When we experience the feeling of guilt, this is one of God’s ways he may use to warn us that something is not quite right in our life. We may be feeling this because we need to repent and turn away from a sin in our life so God can cleanse and forgive us. With repentance, comes the fresh presence of the Holy Spirit assuring us we are quilt-free.
If you are guilty of doing something wrong, or not stating the facts quite clearly in a given situation, or even perhaps you have broken God’s law; you can receive mercy and forgiveness by accepting salvation and forgiveness offered though Christ Jesus. (1Timothy 1:13-16). If you are a born-again Christian and you are experiencing some feeling of guilt, it may be conviction from the Holy Spirit to lead you to repentance.
You may also be feeling shame because of something that was done that makes you feel somewhat guilty. Perhaps you are blaming yourself for something that has or has not happened and you feel responsible. In any of these cases, there is hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
What Scripture Says
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our