“Now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.”
As we take time to study the Word of God, the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see Jesus, the “image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15). However, even as our vision is cleared by the Spirit of God and as we grow in knowledge through Scripture, we can still only see a glimpse of God’s infinite immensity here on earth.
No one knows the day or hour they will leave this earth, through rapture or death, or when Jesus fulfills His promise to return, but one thing for sure is this—we will see Him clearly as it is written in 1 Corinthians 13:12.
When we see Jesus Christ face-to-face and know Him as He knows each of us, the beloved family of God—the members of the body of Christ—the church—it will be a glorious day. The Holy Spirit will infuse us with faith, hope, and the love we need to stand firm until we gaze into the eyes of our living and loving Savior and say, “I can see You, Jesus.”
Take time to study the Word of God. Pray and meditate and memorize passages from the Bible. You will need to use the Word of God the way Jesus did in the wilderness before this life is over.
What particular passage has the Holy Spirit illuminated to you recently? What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you? How has your growth in the knowledge of God and His Holy Word changed you?
Let us pray: Dear Jesus, help me to see clearly; to see You more clearly and know You intimately as I walk with You through this life. Increase my faith until the day You call me home or come again. Make me so such like You Lord that no one can resist You in me. Help me to walk in Your Love and to live each day watching for Your return.
You are extravagantly loved by God!
HIS love and mine,
Go into 2024 with a new perspective …viewing life through the lens of teamwork, cooperating and partnering with the Holy Spirit.
We live under an Open Heaven with an open door of opportunities to fulfill our divine purpose, while seeing all the amazing things God wants to do in us and through us to bring souls into His Kingdom.
The Door is open until God shuts it like the Ark. The Ark pictures salvation in Jesus Christ, our “Ark” of salvation. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). The Bible makes it clear that we are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). Nothing we can do can save us from our sin and the consequences–eternal separation from God. But the Bible tells us that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved (Romans 10:9). It is “by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Salvation is all of God, but it is our responsibility to choose to go through the doorway (Jesus), and God will save us.
Live to know God more intimately and make Him known!
Acts 20:24
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God” (NLT).
Live supernaturally in the natural by partnering with God through surrender and total dependence upon Him! “Whatever He says to you, do it” (John 2:5). Run with the Gospel–the Good News–and tell the world about JESUS. He’s coming back soon!
Have a blessed 2024!
How could you ever forget the face of someone who saved your life? I recently met a lady who was in a horrific automobile accident and the firemen who saved her life was the last face she saw before passing out in his arms. She found herself in the hospital saved from the wreckage and could remember his face when she woke up in a hospital bed. She shared her heart with me and told me the fireman actually reached out to her and they began dating. She told me she’d never forget his face.
How could you ever forget the face of Jesus when you have had an encounter with Him? You can’t and won’t. I have recently heard of many having dreams of Jesus appearing to them and being born-again and having changed hearts, especially in foreign nations.
I remember going to a revival over twenty five plus years ago in North Carolina and the traveling evangelist from a foreign nation asked for all to come forward who wanted a deeper walk with Jesus. I immediately arose from my seat and found myself lying on the floor in the presence of God—a Holy God—when I saw the face of Jesus as He knelt down to me and touched my face. He said, “I love you, my daughter.” It was liken heaven parted and God allowed me to see beyond the veil in time and space—supernaturally to see the face of Jesus. No one can ever take away a real encounter with the Son of God. It’s life changing and transforming. The account is in my first book the LORD put in my spirit to write and publish. (GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE – How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed, And Know Your Purpose—published 2011 Charisma House…Creation Press…and available on Amazon).
Anytime God tells you to do something ….from going to the nations to walking across the street to writing a book—it is for helping someone else. Naysayers and those who partner with the devil won’t see it—they may even make fun of you and say all kinds of evil, but those who follow after Jesus will see and those in need of salvation will be changed and come to know Truth.
Ignore naysayers, skeptics, and learn how to gain greater wisdom by seeking the LORD with all your heart, mind and soul. Cry out to God for wisdom and obey Him immediately. He will begin to show you the “why behind the what” in situations—from hearts that are wounded from family and friends, hurting hearts that feel rejection and therefore sabotage other relationships while believing the lies of the enemy. The enemy is Satan—the Devil—and he comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give you and I life!
Don’t fall prey to the enemy tactics. Jesus gave His life for you and for me. Seek Him with your heart and mind. How could you ever forget the face of someone who saved your life? Who gave their life to redeem the whole world? Who gave their life to save your life?
Rejection is a real problem in the world and in the Body of Christ—the Church. People with rejection issues who believe the lies of the enemy are quickly moved to react rather than respond to life and move to sabotaging relationships on purpose. It can move to blame shifting when hearts are unhealed from something from the past.
The enemy uses negative emotions and a lack of proper communication to reinforce their false belief system. It’s a classic symptom of rejection and sometimes from abandonment. They finally push everyone away and live a vicious cycle of unhealthy behavior and move to toxic relationships.
Our only hope …your only hope…is in turning to Jesus with everything in life. He is the Great Heart Surgeon—the ONLY ONE who brings total healing. Don’t miss Christ in Christmas this year….
HIS love and mine,