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There is hope and restoration after abuse. The heart of Jesus is broken for you. He longs to heal your heart and draw you to Himself. He will gently guide you through the process of healing from the heartache of abuse and totally restore you as the Bible says, repay to you “the years the locust has eaten” (Joel 2:25).
We have all suffered in some way the wrongdoings of others. We must come to a place of humility and be willing to pour out all of our heart’s brokenness to allow the Lord to minister to all the places in our heart. He will build up the broken places. “Be still,” says the Lord, “and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
Child abuse is a terrible issue for an innocent mind to wrestle with. It is horrifying to think that children who survive the danger of street gangs, the public schools and the society in which we now live, come home to be abused by parents or authority figures. The home should be a place of safety and peace.
There are symptoms in adults which may indicate abuse as a child: lack of ability to trust; anger; identity crisis issues; deep inferiority; difficulty maintaining meaningful relationships; feelings of shame, guilt or fear; compulsive behavior, etc. All these must be brought to the Lord. Ask, seek and knock, as Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7:7. Keep knocking until you find a Christian counselor or mentor who is trained in your particular area of hurt. Whether it is the direct result of emotional, sexual, physical, or mental abuse,
Backsliding is when a born again-believer in Christ turns back to sin or refuses to submit to the Word of God and to God’s will in his/her life. The symptoms are made manifest in outward actions which signify the real problem:
the attitude of the heart.
Backsliding is when you make a choice to do your own thing and act out your own fleshly desires that go against the Word of God and opposes God’s will.
(1 Corinthians 3:3; Proverbs 14:14).
What Scripture Says
“Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your
Anxiety, Worry and Tension
Fear manifests in anxiety, tension and worry and are emotions that alert us of our need to find resolve to the problems we are facing. When you are experiencing extreme times of stress, your emotions can run wild with distressing thoughts that are actually not a reality, but in fact magnify the problems instead. At the inception of fear, choose to fix your eyes on Jesus and spend extra time reading and praying His Word. Choose to move forward and remember to do whatever God has called you to do even when afraid. Take the necessary steps to deal with whatever life challenge you are facing. Remember, God will never bring you to something that He is not able to get you through. He will never tell you to do something that He has not equipped you to do. He knows your every need as you bring them to Him. Always choose to do things God’s way, honoring His Word and commit to being a person of excellence. Whatever we sow is what we will reap so choose to honor God’s principles. Choose forgiveness and submit to His Word. In this life, Jesus warned us we would have troubles but to keep our focus on Him–for He has overcome the world. (See BETRAYAL for those of you walking through betrayal)
When you choose to rely on your own strength and try to control every aspect of life, rather than placing your trust in God and upon His Word, you are operating in doubt and unbelief. You are actually being double-minded and wavering in your opinions. You are allowing your carnal nature (fleshly nature – mind, will, and emotions) to persuade you that God is not capable of handling the situation you are facing. Begin to magnify the Lord. Ask God for a scripture to stand on and pray it back to Him. Ask God for wisdom and obey His instructions. Turn to the Lord and trust Him! Whatever you magnify becomes bigger. Don’t rehearse the problems. Instead, pray the scriptures God gives you for the problems you are facing when you feel fear. When you truly realize how big God is and turn to Him, peace will begin to rule and reign in your heart and mind. Commit everything to God! Focus on how big God is rather than rehearsing the problems and find hope and security in Him. He will help you through. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (Begin to say this daily when you feel fear!) Be sure to read my second book: A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days at the Mercy Seat). As you read the amazing story of God’s divine intervention through two open-heart surgeries, two strokes and 25 days in Mercy Hospital that my husband went through– you will have hope to believe God for anything and will be empowered to take your own leap of faith through whatever you are facing! God bless you!
The Bible instructs you to cast all your cares (anxieties) on Him for He cares for you
(1 Peter 5:7).
What Scripture Says
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, about what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body than clothing? Look at the