Almost every parent would agree that his or her child is the most precious thing in the world, and that is how God views you. God has greater plans for you than you have for yourself. He expects each and every believer to grow up and mature in the things of God. He desires the best for you and wants you to move from drama to destiny, from pain to purpose, from tragedy to triumph, and from trials to testimonies of the goodness of God.
God expects each of us to show honor and respect. What America must realize is that the enemy uses the same tactics as he did with the Israelites to bring destruction. They grew tired of their leader and made a golden calf to worship. They experienced hunger and thirst in the desert. They grumbled and complained about everything. People fall for the same traps today. Materialism, entertainment, and social distractions are also a part of Satan’s scheme to trap and lure the youth of this generation away from God, away from family, and away from God’s best.
We must choose honor everyday. This happens when godly order starts in the home. God first, husband, wife, then the children in the home. Real communication, discipline, and training to respect those in authority starts in the home. We must cultivate a place of honor and respect in our homes in order that the next generation will know what it looks like. We must choose to cultivate a heart after God and keep childlike faith in Him. He wants to move heaven and earth to bring answers to prayers.
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He seeks to isolate us and make us feel all alone. The sense of excitement that the God of the universe loves us is the only satisfaction that will sustain, overwhelm, and amaze us to the point of propelling us to do greater things with God, in the way of career, and to point others to Jesus. We must keep our hearts and minds turned toward the Lord at all times. God wants us to live with eternity in mind.
When Jesus is not the focus, He is no longer the influence. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
The Holy Spirit reveals ALL hidden truth, and shows us things to come. God will show you things that can’t be seen with the natural eye when you choose to keep your focus on Him and what He is doing in the earth.
God’s Priceless Treasure is packed full of the Word of God with time tested principles and real testimonies that will encourage you and inspire you to seek God more, and to take time for what matters most in this life.
(Excerpt from God’s Priceless Treasure, published by Creation House Press..Charisma..2011)
May God bless you beyond your greatest desire!
His love and mine,
Deborah Starczewski
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)… miraculous account of God’s amazing ways and His love.
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)… a must read for all
You may be waiting on God to answer a specific prayer, to vindicate you or someone else, or to intervene in some other situation. No matter what, God is faithful. It’s imperative that we all learn to wait for God’s best—from a husband or wife, to the right job, move, purchase of a house, to having wisdom in life.
In Genesis 9:11-17, God speaks and Noah listens. God always listens. God’s listening helped Noah survive a flood by building a boat. Noah heard and obeyed God’s instructions. Now God is speaking again—and his words are words of love. “Never again will there be a flood that will destroy all life” (Genesis 9:15). That was great news to Noah—and even better for us today. God makes a promise and He always honors His Word.
I can almost see Noah shading his eyes as he gazes at the first rainbow. I would imagine that Noah stood in awe as he first saw the beautifully hand-painted rainbow that God placed in the sky for him to see.
The rainbow is a sign of God’s promise, a signal of His amazing love. God has flawless integrity, keeps His promises, and always honors His Word. God gave us a sign that reflects His promise and sealed it with showing us the sign in the sky. This is the God to whom we pray as born-again believers in Jesus Christ!
God’s timing is perfect, but it sometimes doesn’t feel like it when we are stretched in our emotions and physical strength to the wire. Have you ever felt like God waits to the final wire?
For twenty long years Rebekah had a desire for a child. (See Genesis 25:21) Her mournful life filled her days and tearfully wrapped itself around an empty cradle—for twenty years she waited. Isaac was sixty years old, and Rebekah had never laid her arms around a son. I can almost see her now, with tears rolling down her cheeks, crying out to God, one more time.
Let’s not forget—Isaac waited too. He also prayed. Isaac probably asked for a child for years alongside Rebekah. God heard, and He answered, giving double what Isaac prayed for—twins! God heard their prayers and cries of worship. He was not deaf—and He was not angry. It wasn’t like some might say, “their fault”—to a whole host of excuses people like to make. God had simply chosen the perfect time according to His plan to bring the twins into the story He was writing here on earth.
Don’t give up in the waiting. Keep praying and believing. God’s timing is perfect. He hears and answers prayer. The only way to have answered prayer is to pray. Open altars where we connect with the LIVING GOD to bring heaven to earth. We can’t replace altars with coffee shops where we spend time talking about problems—we must connect with the LIVING GOD where we have access to all of Heaven’s resources to bring change and talk to God about everything. Create a place of prayer–an altar in your own home–where you meet with God.
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)…the full account of how God raised my husband from death, supernaturally led us through 25 days at Mercy Hospital. The absolutely amazing story of God’s intervention will keep you turning the pages and give you hope to believe God for yourself.
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)….Learn how to move from DRAMA to DESTINY through turning to God.
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)… A must read for all!
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other distributors.
If you will choose to love people right where they are—love will light the way. Everyone is on their own journey in life. How does God see a young mother who is struggling with rage, or a young father who is struggling with his temper? How does God view a child who is crying out for help with pain from being bullied at school?
Jesus paid the price in full for sin—and it is nailed to the cross. God has rescued us from any possibility of a curse. The Bible says so and that settles it. Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrong-doing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree”’ (Galatians 3:13).
That is great news my friends. The powerful truths found in God’s Word are life sustaining and enable us to extend the same life to people who are distraught and caught in the tangled web of sin—no matter if it is their own doing, or someone else’s. None of us have arrived–we have all fallen short of the glory of God.
When a person knows that someone cares about them, no matter the distance, it’s like a breath of fresh air and rest for the soul. Confession is good for the soul and brings healing. Choose to be a safe place for others to share their hurts so they can move forward to healing. A safe place is where the intent of the heart is for healing and restoration.
Many Christians wonder will God ever answer their prayers–to heal a relationship, repair a marriage, to bring back a prodigal child, to heal a sibling, to save a lost parent. Many times after we pray, things seem to get worse rather than improve. I’ve got great news– be reassured in the fact that your heavenly Father is at work behind the scenes on your behalf and in the lives for whom you are praying.
It is time to plant hope in others through Jesus Christ—the Blessed Hope. Learn to love people right where they are in life. If you don’t know how to help them, ask God. He will lead you in the right direction.
You can’t clean a fish till you catch it ….and God doesn’t expect us to get cleaned up before we come to Him. (That is the beauty of God’s grace and mercy). Choose to intentionally extend grace and mercy to those in need of help.
God extends open arms to all. Don’t live another day thinking, that just maybe, because one trial hits right after the next, that your life is off course. Take time to turn to God’s Word and read about the trials and tribulations of those who submitted their lives fully to Jesus and followed Him. It wasn’t a rose garden with sweet smelling flowers perfectly lining a yellow brick road.
God uses our trials and tribulations to prepare us to receive the blessings of His divine favor. He uses trials to position us in new platforms to touch the masses in need of a Savior—His name is JESUS!
Let me tell you one more thing—one of my favorite verses. I remember over twenty years ago how the Holy Spirit led me to a special service at a specific church and I heard a speaker share this verse: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). I will never forget that day—hearing that man say, “God changed the entire order of this service for someone to hear this word tonight.” That is the amazing love of our heavenly Father. Don’t you dare give up. Don’t you dare stop short of all God has for you—keep moving forward IN CHRIST!
Don’t fall for the trap of Satan and don’t believe his lies. Don’t listen to religious spirits or those who point fingers—turn to our loving Heavenly Father that has open arms for you. Turn to God and His Word—our map for success in life.
You can become a world changer. God has removed every barrier and limitation to reveal the fullness of His glory in Jesus. “We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Everything we need comes from God’s presence, and He does not withhold it from us. Choose to renew your mind in the Word of God–read and pray God’s Word. It’s the only way to experience the transformation God promised in Christ. The River of Life–only found in God–is at work in us to draw the world to JESUS.
Jesus Christ blesses all who believe in Him with rivers of living water so that we are satisfied in Him and can be a source of blessing and refreshing to others.
Choose to be fully committed to Jesus. He has great things for you to do WITH HIM. You may be the very one that delivers the greatest love letter ever written–the Bible–to someone in need this upcoming week. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you be more sensitive to His guidance. He will answer that prayer!
HIS love and mine,
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed and Know Your Purpose)….. how to move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, and a mess to a message.
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)…the full account of God’s divine intervention, resurrection power, and miracles on a daily basis….you will be changed forever.
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)… a must read for every leader.
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other distributors
SHIFT HAPPENS (Anthology – with other authors – available on Amazon—-click on Dr. Deborah Starczewski