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EASTER SUNDAY, What is it really about?
EASTER SUNDAY, What is it really about?
While surprising our kids with Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies and other candies, family gatherings, and Easter Brunch at many hotels, it is not really about the bunnies or candy. It is important that we gather as a family and remember and reflect on what is important in this life, but let’s look a little deeper.
Eternity matters! If you don’t believe me now, I can assure you that you will when you die or the rapture takes place. Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is this coming Sunday and I am so thankful for the price Jesus paid on the Cross for the whole world’s sin. Jesus is alive and I am grateful that He still raises the dead. He raised my husband up from early death in 2012, healed him from two strokes, and two open-heart surgeries. He is still alive because of the finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ. You can read the full account in my second book: A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days at the Mercy Seat)… an amazing up-to-date resurrection story of God’s divine intervention and miracles. The book will give you hope to believe for anything in your life.
That same resurrection power resides in you and I as believers in Jesus. What an amazing Truth!
This is an amazing time of year with trees and flowers blooming but more importantly, a time to reflect on the everlasting Truth of God’s Word—Jesus—the Word made flesh—who was crucified, buried and rose again that we might have eternal life. When we put His Word in our hearts—we bloom with His love toward others and have divine perspective, which propels us through passion for His purposes.
Eternity matters in the big picture of life. I pray you take time to reflect on the unfailing love of God and the unfailing reality of “God is with us” today and our SOON COMING KING.
Jesus rode on the “foal” (or donkey) because his mission was one of peace, while the crowd shouted “Hosanna” (which is Hebrew for “SAVE NOW”)…..but He is coming back on a white horse. The disciples didn’t understand that Jesus had to go to the cross nor did they understand the words He spoke about His death and resurrection until they were fulfilled.
In John 12:15 the “foal” was an animal that had never borne a burden (Jesus is likened as our “beast of burden”)—where we are to cast our cares over upon him like tossing a blanket on a beast of burden that walks alongside us.
The “foal” was therefore young and inexperienced. A King would ride such an untrained beast when he was on a mission of peace, whereas he would ride a mature, trained horse when on a mission of war (see Revelation 19:11 where Jesus comes on a white horse). A good friend of mine who is also a minister called and shared a dream he had recently—he saw the Lord Jesus riding on a white horse coming in the clouds. God is speaking to all who are listening and watching for His return.
Choose to “stand near the Cross” as a reminder of the high cost Jesus paid for our redemption, and as a way to acknowledge our need of God. Everyone and everything is level at the Cross. How can anyone be arrogant who stands near the cross? Nothing but the Cross of Jesus Christ can give us the spirit of humility.
Reflect on the wonder of the cross of Christ. This will empower each of us to mortify or crucify the flesh and set our affection on Jesus. How do we do this? By choosing God’s Ways over our own.
Pray with me: “Father, I want to stay close to the Cross of Christ—fully acknowledging my need of Jesus. I declare my dependence upon God, and in this way I am humbling myself before God.”
Choose to take control of your thoughts—and the words you speak over yourself and others. Don’t believe the lies from the enemy. Spend more time in the Word of God and less time listening to the lies of the enemy. Think about the love of God and the high cost Jesus paid on the Cross. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). “The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).
Set your affection upon Jesus—and be preoccupied with the divine perspective (God’s view of everything) that makes possible the deepest affection for others, as well as ministry to them. This cultivates a heart of humility—one more concerned with God’s glory than our own, and more intent on serving others than ourselves.
The Bible says, “I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness know through all generations.” (Psalm 89:1)
Choose to live out of the resurrection power of God, obeying the smallest instruction, and watch God bring dead things to life again. God is the author of your life and ONLY He has the final say. Appreciate your family and friends. More importantly, appreciate God with a heart of adoration. We have all we need in Jesus—through His life, death, and resurrection. He is the KING of kings, and the LORD of lords—and He is coming back again!
He is Risen indeed!
Dr. Deborah Starczewski
Author of:
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days at the Mercy Seat)
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back to God?)
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed and Know Your Purpose)….it’s about moving from drama to destiny.
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, (Xulon bookstore), etc.
Ladies, wait on the man that seeks God with his whole heart, who loves God more than himself, and who will honor and cherish you in marriage. Don’t settle for less. Life is too short. Wait on a man that opens more than doors—one that opens his Bible.
Jesus’ teaching on prayer in Luke 11 works today. “Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.” (Luke 11: 2 NIV).
No matter what you’ve done, how many times, or how far you think you have fallen, there is always HOPE IN GOD. He loves you with an everlasting love. Don’t fall for the satanic trap of playing husband and wife before the wedding. Choose to live God’s way and learn that God’s Word is given for our protection. Don’t fall for temptation from Satan.
You are beautiful in God’s eyes. He has a good plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Don’t give up or give into despair. Don’t be desperate for a man. When you understand you are a precious jewel, a beautiful woman in God’s eyes, you will awaken to a whole new understanding of how amazing marriage can be according to God’s Promises. Take time to get to know God, know yourself, and learn who you are IN CHRIST.
Choose to wake up each morning giving honor to God. Wake up to the smell of coffee and God’s Word. Take time for devotions and read the Bible and pray each morning. Choose to abide in God’s Word, talking to the Father throughout the day, about small things. You will find that the smallest details matter to God. He is the God of details.
He is weaving a beautiful tapestry of your life, even with the twists and turns from your past, the dreams in your present, and the hopes for a future with a man that loves God with his whole heart.
Ask God to develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit within you and to lead you and guide you according to His ways. I promise you He will answer that prayer. He is waiting today for you to turn to Him and seek Him.
Remember, He has an amazing love for you and His ways are the best. Begin to expect God to show Himself in special ways. Thank Him for the small things and acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths.
He is awesome and knows how to reveal the connections in our lives that bring the big picture of life into clear view. Choose today to build your life on God’s Word—and expect God to show up for you. God can send a man that opens doors—and one who opens his Bible.
God loves you!
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed and Know Your Purpose)…..about moving from drama to destiny, real life, relationships, etc. by Deborah Starczewski
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days at the Mercy Seat) by Deborah Starczewski
*the full account of how God raised my husband from the dead, two open-heart surgeries, two strokes, totally healed by the power of God—and 25 days in Mercy Hospital. God is still our healer—He heals broken hearts and broken lives.
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?) by Deborah Starczewski
*A must read for every Pastor and leader
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, last two on (bookstore) and other distributors….
God bless you!
Instead of destroying each other, we need to destroy the works of the enemy and take back our land. We can’t assume everything around us is okay and be on cruise control because the world is rapidly changing around us. We can’t bury our heads in the sand and act like nothing is wrong. Neither can we stand like Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz” with ruby red slippers and click our heels. It just won’t cut it. We don’t want the next generation to have to pay for slothfulness–being lukewarm–being busy, rather than being on fire for God with a passion to win the lost and take this nation back. We don’t want the next generation to be a Judges 2:10 group “who knew not the Lord, nor the works He had done for Israel.”
To trump is to outrank or defeat something or someone, often in a highly public way. Jesus Christ did that for us. He is for us and not against us. We are either on God’s side or not. There is no sitting on the fence when it comes to God.
Are we going to take back the land or are we going to cower to the enemy, public opinion, and disregard the price Jesus has already paid? Jesus, “having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:15 NKJV).
We can’t play games—our country is in trouble. America started having more serious problems after prayer was taken out of schools—and we have been on a steady decline ever since. It’s almost like she is a frog in hot water and doesn’t know it is about to boil. Is there hope for America? Yes! If we will repent and turn back to God, depending on His Power and obeying His Word. The Bible reveals that when the king of a nation honors God, life goes better.
We must learn to defeat the enemy of our souls. We live in a nation with a Trojan Horse (destroying ourselves from within), a war of words, social media explosion, and wrong being called right. There is hope for America if she will turn back to God and not compromise. You don’t have to take digs at other people to advertise you have a shovel in your hand. You don’t disregard warnings at the risk of destroying lives just to save money.
Every person is a leader—you are leading someone whether you realize it or not. THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?) is a must read for every pastor and leader. Will America turn back to God? Will you? Will you help others turn back to God? People are hurting, desperate, and looking for answers. Instead of destroying each other, we need to destroy the enemy and take back the land.
God Himself is the Breaker Anointing in Micah 2:13. As the Groom carries the Bride over the threshold at a wedding, we must stay close to Jesus so that He carries us over the threshold by the wind of His Spirit. There is always opposition at the threshold of open doors.
The anointing ushers in the Glory of God, where “suddenly” things begin to change, marriages are healed, relationships restored, and whole families come back to the Lord. The anointing is the tangible substance of the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit. We must turn back to the Lord as a nation in prayer and fasting to experience waves of change. We come together as the Body of Christ and then go out and live it the rest of the week–from the White House to the supermarkets. We may have mountaintop experiences but we live life in the valley with other people.
Have you ever climbed to the top of a mountain and for a second, sensed an awe and fear that you could be swept over? That will wake you up—I can assure you. I remember standing at the top of Mount Masada on a trip to Israel and seeing the clouds below. It was breath taking and awesome at the same time.
While I was writing this morning, the young girl who works for a pool company came knocking at the back door. She shared that she added a little calcium to the pool and it would look a little cloudy for about thirty minutes. I shared with her what I was writing about as I was sitting at the dining room table. I chose to stop and listen to her.
She began to share her situation about being separated from her husband with children that gave way to an opportunity for me to encourage her. I told her about my first book: GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE and how we can overcome every challenge with God’s help. God uses natural circumstances in our daily lives to position us with people who need encouragement and for us to take time to talk with them and listen.
The Bible says, “The ONE who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the LORD at their head.” (Micah 2:13)
The Bible says, “Rain down, you heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness, and let the earth open, lets them bring forth salvation (deliverance), and let righteousness spring up together. I, the LORD, have created it” (Isaiah 45:8).
Salvation means deliverance and wow, do we ever live in such a time that we need deliverance as a nation! America has separated herself from God and needs to turn back to Him.
The anointing is literally the atmosphere of “as it is in Heaven” so shall it be upon the Earth. From the recent news, and all forms of social media, we could use some of that to bring about healing and restoration to us as a nation. If there ever was a time when we need God, it is now. With the war of words across social media, to division, strife, attacking, and the race to the White House, we surely need God in this hour for America.
Are there situations and places in your life that need to be made straight? It may be a business issue, personal, family, marriage, financial, health, or even emotional issues. It may be your tongue and not being able to keep a confidence. Whatever the case, God wants to help you. The anointing of God makes paths straight. God knows how to turn us at just the right time to get the keys to people, and to save us from disaster. God knew at just the right time to have the calcium added to the pool this morning so the young lady would come to the door. I stay in awe of God and how He positions us to share hope with others.
Wait till you read the story in THE MIDNIGHT HOUR where God turned us around on a drive to Kiawah through the navigation system to get a key to my husband and to spare us from a wreck. The story reveals how God works supernaturally in the natural to deliver us from evil in everyday circumstances.
Are you dealing with unsurmountable obstacles that prevent you from moving one step forward to accomplishing that which God has called you to do? Do you sense that you are having to fight for every square inch of the promises from God?
The Body of Christ—must wake up out of sleep. In the natural, when an organ or system goes wrong in one’s own body, it can destroy it. It is the same in our spiritual life. We must wake up and realize what really matters in life. Competition is not a Kingdom value. Comparison is the thief of joy. Procrastination is the thief of time. We must choose to come together and work together with God as the Head, encouraging each other and building each other up in unity and love. Tell others how important they are to you now. Show honor and appreciation to others. When we do life together, multiplication is the outcome—and exponential growth is witnessed at every turn. It doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything, but we learn to disagree agreeably. We don’t rip each other to shreds.
Are you imprisoned by inescapable bars of iron? God will cut them into—get ready. God will smash through and break into pieces the gates of bronze! He will position you with someone for a word of encouragement. One word from God can change everything.
When the anointing of God came upon Cyrus (see Isaiah 45), the LORD subdued nations before him, loosed the armor of kings, and opened before him the DOUBLE DOORS so that the gate would not be shut. God made crooked places straight AND broke in pieces gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron!
We have the answer to every problem in God’s Word. It is our part to read it and apply it.
We must turn back to God and the true source of our water supply—the Word of God. With the devastation in Flint, Michigan, I couldn’t help but think God is revealing a natural manifestation of what is happening spiritually to America as a nation—that we have turned away from our True Source—God—for what? Saving money? Destroying lives? It’s time to turn back to God and realize what He has already done for us. It’s time to partner with Him.
We must be determined. Isaiah 50:7 says, “…therefore have I set my face like a flint.”
Make sure to read my third book: THE MIDNIGHT HOUR, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Xulon, etc.
God bless America,
Deborah Starczewski
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12)
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed, And Know Your Purpose)
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days at the Mercy Seat)
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR by Deborah Starczewski
(Two more books coming out this year….keep moving forward…do all God has put in your heart to do with Him!)