God’s Priceless Treasure

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Written by Deborah. Posted in #President Trump @POTUS, #TellTheWorld, #TellTheWorldAboutJesus, #TransformingNationsBroadcast, A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat), Anger, Anxiety, Divorce and Sex, FAITH, Family, FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS, FOLLOWING JESUS, Forgiveness, God, God's Priceless Treasure, God's Word, Guidance, Hearing God, HONOR AUTHORITY, Intercession, JESUS IS ALIVE, LAST DAYS, Listening With the Heart, Love, Love people, Lust, Marriage, Motive, Obedience, Overcoming Rejection, PAIN TO PURPOSE, PEACE IN TOUGH TIMES, Praise, Prayer, Purpose, Radical obedience, Relationships, Repentance, Resurrection Power, STEP INTO PURPOSE, The Midnight Hour (Will America Turn Back To God?), Trust God, WORDS HAVE POWER

Who do you love? Who do you live to please? Who is on your mind when you wake up each morning? 

Be a God-pleaser! God gave His Son Jesus because of His great love for all mankind. We must be so in love with Jesus that we want all to know Him too. Love your family and friends enough to tell them the Truth of God’s Word. God will not change His Word for anyone. Jesus is coming back–and we can’t live any old way we like. 

In John 14:23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.” (NIV). 

People may abandon you, many will criticize you, disconnect from you, and run from God when you tell them the Truth–OR they will fall in love with Jesus. People may criticize you and make fun of you because of your relationship with Jesus–but remember, in the end…it will be worth it all. 

Truth will offend some people. God’s Word and His Truth can be understood by the world around us and in practical ways. Many people deny spiritual truth because it seems easier, but doing things the wrong way still brings about delayed consequences. 

People want everything right now—rather than doing life God’s way. Do you get so mad when an elevator is full—that you choose to go the roof and jump to your death on the street? I don’t think so. You might choose to take the stairs—all seventeen flights—and be worn out at the bottom. Huffing and puffing like a blow fish. People have grown impatient with waiting for anything. Look at what God’s Word says in Isaiah 40:31: 

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” 

As Christians, we cannot ignore God’s Word…because it may be unpopular or cause division. When a person is confronted with truth, he or she will do one of two things—respond or react. The heart that is tender to God will respond. The tender heart is moved to tears and compassion and obedience. The tough heart may throw a temper-tantrum, a pity-party, disconnect, and deny the Truth. The heart that is tough, bitter, unforgiving, angry and rebellious will react.

We must love people enough to speak the Truth in love—no matter what. Eternity is forever. This life is passing away. Look at what Jesus said in Matthew 24:10-12: “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and hate one another” (KJV). 

Jesus said, “Blessed is he, whoever shall not be offended in Me” (Matthew 11:6).

“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:12-14). 

Take time to read all of Matthew 24. Remember, even Truth presented in love will offend some people. We must love people enough to offer them everlasting life in Jesus Christ! 






GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed and Know Your Purpose)… learn how to move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, a mess to a message, and trials to triumph through turning to Jesus Christ. 

A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)…the amazing ways the Holy Spirit led us will keep you turning the pages and increase your faith to believe God for anything. God raised my husband from death, healed him from two strokes, and walked with us through two open-heart surgeries through 25 days at Mercy Hospital. The way the three stories are divinely linked within and weaved together will give you a newfound hope and spur you to fall in love with Jesus all over again! 

THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)…a must read for every leader, pastor, and family across the globe. It reads like a devotional and is a great tool of evangelism. 

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, www.starministriesinc.com and other distributors. Also available at events, speaking engagements and wherever Deborah ministers the Word of God. 




Written by Deborah. Posted in #TellTheWorld, #TellTheWorldAboutJesus, #whatmattersmost, A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat), and Leaders, Brokenness and prayer, DIVINE DESTINY, DRAMA TO DESTINY, Easter/ Resurrection Sunday, Encouragement, ENDTIMES, FAITH, Family, FOLLOWING JESUS, God's Priceless Treasure, Holy Spirit, JESUS IS ALIVE, Love, PAIN TO PURPOSE, Prayer, Presidents, Relationships, Repentance, Resurrection Power, Seek God, Spiritual hunger, STEP INTO PURPOSE, The Forgotten Factor of Prayer, The Midnight Hour (Will America Turn Back To God?), TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH

True ministry only operates through the person who is broken before the Lord, who has a humble and contrite heart. 

Dr. Mickey Bonner states: “Satan has authored religions to keep men powerless and busy, rather than broken. I believe this is the “spiritual wickedness in high places,” spoken of in Ephesians 6:12. His object is to get men to focus on promotion in place of prayer. Thus, the church today, for the most part is dead. The world is dying, and no amount of religious busy-ness can save it. Our salt is stepped on, our light is dim, if not out. There is no hope except a return to God on His terms. If, however, the church did return, He would again visit His people. He promised He would in 11 Chronicles 7:14. 

If we are to be used by God, we must first see what God sees in our lives. This is the reason for fasting. Denying ourselves food is not in order to get God involved in what we are doing. The purpose is to get us involved in God’s will by being broken before Him. Fasting, in its right perspective, breaks the soul from submitting to the wiles of the flesh and submits it instead to the Spirit of God within.” —Dr. Mickey Bonner

Brokenness is a wonderful experience and the beginning of all true ministry. 

If you have not read “Brokenness, The Forgotten Factor of Prayer”—you must read it. It’s a book that will change your life. 

No matter where we are on God’s timetable, we are called to occupy till He comes. Live fully committed to Jesus Christ—and tell the world about Jesus. 

Dr. Mickey Bonner’s books are available at 1-800-365-PRAY (7729) or email at mickeybonner@comcast.net and the books are available on Amazon.

God bless you!

Dr. Deborah Starczewski 



Books by Dr. Deborah Starczewski are available on www.starministriesinc.com and on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and other distributors

A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At the Mercy Seat)…the amazing account of God raising my husband from death, healing him from two strokes, and the walk at Mercy Hospital (CMC) for 25 days— through two open-heart surgeries….a modern day resurrection story that will keep you turning the pages and give YOU hope and faith to believe God for anything. 

GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)….learn how to move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, a mess to a message, and trial to triumph through turning to Jesus Christ.

THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)…a must read for every leader. 


REJECTED NO MORE..”He has made us accepted in the Beloved”

Written by Deborah. Posted in #TellTheWorld, #TellTheWorldAboutJesus, A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat), Abuse, Anger, Anxiety, Desire of your heart, DIVINE DESTINY, DRAMA TO DESTINY, Encouragement, FAITH, Family, FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS, FEAR, FOLLOWING JESUS, God, God's Priceless Treasure, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one, Love people, Marriage, Overcoming Rejection, PAIN TO PURPOSE, PEACE IN TOUGH TIMES, Personal Confessions, Prayer, Purpose, Relationships, Seek God, Separation in marriage, STEP INTO PURPOSE, The Midnight Hour (Will America Turn Back To God?), TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH, Uncategorized, Wisdom, Worry, Worship

Are you feeling rejected, your emotions going off the charts, assuming, and maybe even panicked over some situation in your life? Does your heart feel broken? Or, do you know someone who has a broken heart? When we put our problems in God’s hands, He put His peace in our hearts. 

God has made a way to heal every place that hurts. He has made a way to heal your wounds of rejection and bring you into acceptance with Him. The steps to being healed from rejection are simple, but not always easy in life. You can succeed as you partner with the Holy Spirit of God. 

The Bible says: He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV).

Many have walked in and out of toxic and abusive relationships….from marriage to even business. Almost every person has experienced some form of rejection at one time or another. Your date didn’t show up, you were snubbed by a friend, you didn’t make it on the team or the school play, you were not accepted at the college of your choice, you didn’t get the position you thought you should have gotten, to a spouse walking out for another person and the pain of divorce. Rejection can be simply put as the sense of being unwanted and unloved. Rejection can leave a person feeling empty….and trying to fill a void that only God can fill. 

Closely related to rejection are the wounds of shame and betrayal. A leader or friend gossips and shares a confidence saying it’s called prayer to trying to harm you on purpose. Society is suffering from a progressive breakdown of interpersonal relationships, lack of respect and showing honor.  

Because God wants to use you as a world changer, the devil tries to emotionally cripple every person at a young age so they do not step into their God-given destiny. Rejection can be paralyzing if we don’t have spiritual eyesight. When our focus is on the world and not on God, we start to live in darkness. Satan will set you up to be upset…and use the very people you least expect. 

Satan is afraid of what you can become in Jesus Christ. So listen up…the people who have walked through hell on earth and been the lowest often end up the highest in God. The Scriptures tell us, “He who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:14). God wants to use you to advance His Kingdom. Run to God and receive healing…and reach out a helping hand to others who are walking in pain. Both our ability and inclination to love God and other people spring from the grasp and understanding of His great love for us. Ask God to give you a heart like His….to see what He sees, feel what He feels….and a desire to be an extension of His heart to all you meet. 

God equips us and empowers us to comfort those where we have been comforted. If you truly knew the gift of God—His great love for you—you would be enthralled by Him. 

There is a beautiful verse in the Bible that describes the amazing love of Jesus Christ for people….for you reading this now:

“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them…” (Matthew 9:36a NKJV).

The Greek word translated “compassion” implies a forceful, physical reaction in a person’s body in the abdominal area. It is a reaction so strong that it demands a response. A person who is moved by compassion has to do something. A person who is “moved with compassion” cannot sit on the sidelines and only observe. They are constrained by the love of God and moved by compassion to do something. Why was Jesus so moved? 

“….because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36b NKJV). 

If this is how you feel…..stressed, angry, fearful, anxious, burdened down, weary, harried, confused, and perplexed….Jesus sees you….just as He saw the multitudes. Jesus has compassion for you and He is longing to heal every place that hurts. 

One of the most common roots of all personal problems is rejection. A marriage fails and one or both spouses experience rejection. Children are left feeling the wounds of abandonment. I remember clearly walking with my daddy and can still feel my hand in his as we walked when I was a child up the mountain. Just a few years ago, I remember laying my head on his chest on a few occasions as we stayed with him for the last 17 days of his precious life…with his hand on mine and my sister’s heads. We just wanted to cherish every minute with our father. 

We were surrounded by family, friends, and people that God used to encourage us. Our wonderful God-fearing mother never left our father’s side…she is a gift from God. Family is a gift from God! Cherish the people in your life. 

There is no greater feeling of security than that of a father…being in his arms…and climbing up in his lap with your head resting on his strong chest….it feels secure. God designed every person to crave this kind of security. A child can never truly be fulfilled, satisfied, or secure without parental love—especially love from a father. God is our perfect Heavenly Father….

The picture of broken families and rejection is rampant. Children grow up to be adult children with wounds of rejection. Sometimes there is the added pain of betrayed trust…and always great heartache. 

With the insurmountable pressures of life and the added pressures of breakup, most people have experienced some form of rejection. God sees everything and He foresaw this end-time crisis of broken relationships when He gave this promise in Scripture in the book of Malachi:

“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 

He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse” (Malachi 4:5-6). 

For those who will turn to God through Jesus, there is healing. 

“He has made us accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6 NKJV)—Jesus. 

God has a wonderful plan for your life…connect with us on www.starministriesinc.com and fill yourself with the Word of God. Connect with a Bible believing church. Read the Bible. Connect with the family of God. Read books that are filled with stories of hope and God’s Word to increase your faith. Live with God’s Word as the standard for your life—the Bible—Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  (*Excerpts from God’s Priceless Treasure–published by Charisma/Creation House Press in 2011; and excerpts from A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)*


HIS love and mine,




GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed, and Know Your Purpose)….learn how to move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, a mess to a message, and triumph through turning to Jesus Christ. 

A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)….the intertwining ways and divine connections made by the Holy Spirit of God, how He reveals all hidden truth, how God still raises the dead, still heals, and how He leads will keep you turning the pages…and give you new hope to believe God for anything. Don’t miss the confession prayer within the pages…and pray it daily over yourself, family and friends.

THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)…a must read for all.

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, www.starministriesinc.com and other distributors. 



Dr Rick Ross, Lead Pastor

“For the last seven plus years we have been blessed to watch Deborah live out the principles in God’s Priceless Treasure. This book will bring supernatural courage to everyone facing a challenge. The battle sometimes seems overwhelming, but the Mighty Warrior has gone before you.....

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Joyce F

"Deborah imparted the tools, skills and understanding I needed to grow in the spirit. In this day's devotional, God also spoke to me of the hard lessons we all need to learn when "He" or your "Mentor" (such as Deborah) in my case, speaks into our life that we must choose to grow...

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Dr. Neal Speight

"...As a result of obedience in the midst of her desert experiences, I believe God has filled Deborah with wisdom that we would all do well to take to heart. Do you ever ask yourself why you seem to end up in the same situation over and over again? Why you fear the future, or are frustrated with relationships?...."

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