God’s Priceless Treasure

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Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized

Make sure to keep your focus on Jesus–and any problems will seem to pale in comparison to Him. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords! Make the choice today–change your perspective. 

Identify purpose, lose the fear of man—and watch what God will do through you. Be a God-pleaser, not a man-pleaser. 

In school, it is called peer pressure. As an adult, it is called being a people pleaser—or fear of man. In the midst of an identity crisis, choose to identify purpose. 

Choose to identify purpose in the midst of differences. No doubt about it—we are seeing differences, different ways people approach life, and division in this nation. America seems to be having an identity crisis. The enemy has tried to divide the Body of Christ—the Church—to keep us from moving forward as an army to take back territory that has been relinquished. 

Yet this is another occasion where we can choose to rise up and make a difference. God has a placed a Super Moon in the heavens for all to see—that is the biggest since 1948. In Scripture, the moon represents the church—and much like the recent blood moons, where we saw persecution rising up—we can choose to arise as the Church and let our light shine to a hurting world. 

The enemy sows discord and division. We must choose to unify as the Body of Christ. By taking the time to listen and to understand our personality differences and embracing the call of Christ on our lives as individuals, we will soon learn we work together as a team very well when we unify and identify purpose. 

When facing challenging times, it is imperative to be able to make difficult decisions, even at the risk of compromising harmony for a season. When we come together and identify our purpose in Christ, we can come to understand each other better and work through our frustrations. When we do this—we create a beautiful and incredible reflection of Christ and His love. 

Sow love where there is discord. 

Sow unity where there is division.

Sow acceptance where there is rejection.

When we sow peace together, we come to learn that our differences not only make us unique, but can also draw us together instead of driving us apart. Choose to see differences as being valuable. 

“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12:4-5). 

If you believe, YOU can make a difference. 





THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)

A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat) 

GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. 

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Dr Rick Ross, Lead Pastor

“For the last seven plus years we have been blessed to watch Deborah live out the principles in God’s Priceless Treasure. This book will bring supernatural courage to everyone facing a challenge. The battle sometimes seems overwhelming, but the Mighty Warrior has gone before you.....

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Joyce F

"Deborah imparted the tools, skills and understanding I needed to grow in the spirit. In this day's devotional, God also spoke to me of the hard lessons we all need to learn when "He" or your "Mentor" (such as Deborah) in my case, speaks into our life that we must choose to grow...

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Dr. Neal Speight

"...As a result of obedience in the midst of her desert experiences, I believe God has filled Deborah with wisdom that we would all do well to take to heart. Do you ever ask yourself why you seem to end up in the same situation over and over again? Why you fear the future, or are frustrated with relationships?...."

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