Desperate times open doors to share the love of God. Right in the midst of chaos and turmoil in America and across the nations, you can choose the ancient wisdom found in God’s Word to launch and live your dreams. Yes, you can. You can choose to honor God continuously, discern God’s will on a daily basis, and shine the light into the darkness to give others hope.
When we come into alignment with God’s will, He connects us with divine associations for our next assignment that opens double doors to advancing His Kingdom.
The bottom line is this: God’s perfect will is that none should perish—He wants you to receive the gift of salvation through accepting Jesus Christ, repent and turn toward Him with your whole heart and mind. (John 3:16) ….it’s all about Jesus and souls.
He wants you to live right—through studying the principles and promises found in the Bible, and apply them to your everyday life.
He wants you to advance His Kingdom here on earth. I believe everyone has been called to be a minister, cleverly disguised in whatever sphere of life we find ourselves. From the workplace, to the grocery stores, hospitals to medical offices—from the Church to the fields.
God wants you to be in good health and to prosper you so you can leave a legacy and bless others. (3 John 2)
You can launch out into the deep things of God by seeking His Kingdom. You will find that when you seek God with your whole heart, your life comes into alignment with God’s perfect will for your life.
This doesn’t mean distractions won’t come—but you decide to push through them into action. Don’t be moved by the enemy’s schemes or tactics…Satan never attacks a retreating army. Keep moving forward with faith in God.
Be careful not to pass over God’s divine connections and associations due to judging from the outside. God sees the heart, man looks on the outside. You won’t know someone’s heart until you take the time to get know them. Divine associations bring divine assignments where we partner together with others to bring in the End Time Harvest of souls.
Dare to dream big, live life as though Jesus may come before you go to sleep and plan to point others to Jesus like their lives depend on it—because they do. People are desperate for Jesus. Many feel like an orphan and need to know and experience the love of God. Choose to be His hands and feet in the earth to all.
Eternity matters. People matter. Desperate times open doors to share the love of Jesus Christ. Love God, love people, and pass it on.
Resources for spiritual growth and encouragement:
Books by Deborah Starczewski:
God’s Priceless Treasure (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed and Know Your Purpose)
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days at the Mercy Seat)… an up-to-date resurrection story packed full of God’s supernatural intervention that will keep you turning the pages.
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)….a must read for all.
All available on-line on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Christian Books, etc.
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