Waiting for someone to apologize is like trying to jump across the ocean in a single leap. No matter how wide the gulf may be between you and that particular person—it may be your mom, your dad, a brother or sister, your own children, your spouse, a longtime friend, or a friend who turned out not to be such a good friend, to a relative or business associate—choose to release it to God and trust His timing.
I can assure you that you will never be capable of making anyone apologize for bad behavior. As a matter of fact, if you can convince someone to apologize through manipulation or any other way, you have achieved nothing but mere words. Words do not indicate a heart change.
Life is way too short to hold a grudge or to waste another moment waiting for someone else to do the right thing. You only have control over your own behavior and choices. When you choose to forgive someone, even if they don’t apologize, the healing can begin.
While the person is alive, you might want to make things right from your end because life is fragile and no one is promised another day. God’s Word says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).
There are no perfect people, no perfect relationships, and no perfect families. There is only one God that can bring healing and He alone is perfect. He is God and the only One who can extend perfect love and grace to each of us as we turn to Him.
Choose to make 2016 the best year ever by extending grace where it may not even be deserved—because none of us deserved God’s grace, mercy, and love.
Forgiveness is the key to bringing about your destiny and watching God open new doors for you to walk through. Choose to forgive and live!
Deborah Starczewski
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