Happy New Year! GOD IS GREATER….
I pray you have a blessed New Year’s Eve and know that GOD IS GREATER. He is greater than sickness and disease, greater than lack, greater than whatever you or a loved one is walking through right now, & far greater than anything this world has to offer. He is greater and He is coming back for His Own.
This life is training ground for the next—eternity with God —or eternity separated from Him forever. Read the Bible daily and fill your mind and heart with the Word of God (His Will) till it becomes part of the very fabric of your being. So that when trouble comes, the first thing that rises up is the Word of God.
God is love and He loves you with an everlasting love. One thing we must remember …is that “Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].” — 1 Corinthians 13:8 AMP.
God sent His Only Son Jesus to redeem all mankind—but it is our choice to repent and receive Him or not. It’s like having a love letter and never opening it. The Bible—the Word of God—is God’s love letter and basic instructions before leaving earth. The ONLY WAY to the Father is through the Son of God–Jesus!
There are many who have spent time abroad in war who could have assumed that no one loved them till they returned home and found hundreds of “return to sender” letters that were never delivered to them. With tear stained messages of love inside each carefully sealed letter, hearts and hands didn’t receive the letters till returning home.
When any person assumes, it is almost always wrong. We can hear a wrong message by missing one word in a conversation or in a text. We can be tired and misunderstand, and sometimes people listen to respond, rather than listening to hear. Choose to listen to understand because you never know what anyone is walking through. Take time to listen with your heart.
People run through life with endless “To Do Lists” only to reach the end of another year. Even though one year is closing and another one is at hand, we must never quit praying. We must never quit believing God. He will answer your prayers, and the prayers of someone who is praying for you.
There is no greater love than the love that holds on where there seems nothing left to hold on to in this life. Don’t you dare give up. GOD is the WAYMAKER, MIRACLE WORKER; HE STILL HEALS, and HE STILL PARTS RED SEAS. HE LOVES YOU WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE!
God has seen everything—and nothing escapes His All-Seeing Eye. He balances the books of life. He goes before us to make every crooked place straight. HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH that He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross for you. He doesn’t want anyone to perish.
You can sit in a garage and that doesn’t make you a car. Sitting in church doesn’t make you a believer. You must be born again through repentance and receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Make certain of where you will spend eternity—and I can assure you that you will come to understand that God is greater. Even after the worldwide altar call with the pandemic of Covid-19; GOD IS GREATER.
Happy New Year from all of us…..close the door on 2020 and go into 2021 with greater faith in God and surrender to His Will—fully knowing God is greater! He has great things planned for you and your loved ones.
HIS love and mine,
Merry Christmas Eve to you and your family from all of us. Christmas is almost here and 2020 will soon be gone. 2021 is on it’s way if the Lord tarries. While we understand that no one knows the exact date when Jesus was born in a manger, we choose to honor Jesus’ birth. Many argue about pagan worship and festivals, with others saying we should not celebrate.
We choose to celebrate Christmas all year long. I chose a few years ago to leave a small tree up all year long. It has small manger scenes all over it. Many don’t even notice it as it blends in and looks like a decorative tree in the home.
Just as Jesus came, He has sent you into the world through your mother’s womb to carry the gospel—the Good News—to those around you. Even though you may feel you simply blend in and no one notices you, there are people within your reach on a daily basis that need to know JESUS. They need to understand eternity and life after death. Choose today to share the hope you have in Jesus Christ. If you don’t know Him, today is a perfect time for you to receive Him as Lord and Savior.
For me, I choose to celebrate and honor and thank the LORD for coming to live among us, to save all mankind from sin, and for showing us a better way—the only way to the Father for eternity. Jesus is the way….
It is written: Jesus answered, “I am the way the the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
No matter what day or time Jesus was actually born, we need to live a life of thankfulness. It’s nice to receive a card in the mail and to be remembered at Christmas, or any time of the year for that matter. We honor Jesus when we choose to fellowship with Him and with family and friends and when we come together corporately with other believers and those searching for Truth. We must give thanks to Him and not take anything for granted. He came in the fulness of time, and that was God’s perfect time. Jesus came to show us His love. He came to teach us how about the power of God and how to love others. He came to save us and to send us out—to tell the world about Jesus. To show compassion and to notice people, to live a life of love and compassion with those who need a Savior.
God is faithful and His Word is alive. It is true and comes to pass just as He says.
I pray that you and your whole family are saved. It is written: “And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:31).
2020 has been a year that the entire world will never forget. With the world in crisis, and people searching for Truth, with lives being tossed in the air like a tornado has hit, to people living in uncertainty for jobs and finances and health—it has been a worldwide altar call for everyone to turn to Jesus. He is our HOPE!
Right in the midst of uncertain times, in the days of Herod, Jesus came to live among us. He is also coming back again. I pray you are ready! Until then, we are to occupy—to be the hands and feet of Jesus. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
This is the Great Commission no matter where we live, and no matter what we face. Live to know God and make Him known. If you feel like you have messed up–repent–and tell people how you overcame–turn your mess to a message of hope for others.
Tell the world about Jesus—starting in your sphere of influence to the nations—wherever God sends YOU!
Merry Christmas to you and your family from ours! For me and my household, we choose to serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15).
God loves you with an everlasting love!
His love and mine,
Pray and seek God like never before. Don’t be so caught up in the “details,” the “war of words,” and “who is right and who is wrong,” and miss the BIG PICTURE. There is always a natural manifestation for what is going on in the spirit realm.
There are two kingdoms in operation—The Kingdom of God–(of His Dear Son Jesus) AND the Kingdom of Darkness (Satan)….that opposes the Word of God!
John 10:10 makes it clear: Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy.. JESUS came to give us LIFE…
Satan is the ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness and is operating in the “world system” to push an evil agenda for one world order and to silence the Body of Christ. The Bible makes it clear it will be a man called the Antichrist to lead the New World Order.
Don’t be deceived into thinking the stage is not being set. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 of what would be happening…from family turning on one another, betrayal, right down the list.
The storm is here…in clear view…and God has a worldwide altar call for all who don’t know Jesus to receive HIM….an END TIME HARVEST.
I pray the HOLY SPIRIT shines HIS LIGHT into every person, in any area of darkness in every heart, for blind EYES to OPEN, and for eyes to see the “Big Picture” for those who are caught up in the war of words.
THE CHURCH IS STILL HERE–and we are called to take back territory from the enemy! It’s a perfect time to share the love of God with everyone in your sphere of influence! To go out and tell the world about Jesus before it’s one day too late!
Pray and thank GOD HE frustrates ALL evil plots of the enemy in Jesus’ name!
HIS LOVE and mine,