God’s Priceless Treasure

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Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized, WORDS HAVE POWER

Is it possible you are believing a lie? It is time to rip off the mask of the enemy’s lies and deceptive strategies. You can change your world by changing your words. 

Are you aware of Satan’s deceitful tactics? If he can infiltrate your heart and mind–he can bring about destruction in your life. It is time to take by the territory the enemy has stolen by choosing life in God!

 Did you know that right words are absolutely critical to attaining God’s plan for your life? Don’t be deceived into thinking you can be casual about what you say. Listen to your own words that flow out of your mouth. Think before you speak–because when you say things that are negative, you actually align with the enemy’s plan for your life.

Satan is a real enemy with a job description found in John 10:10. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to drive you away from God and destroy you. He tries to thwart God’s purpose through negative words and distractions to prevent you from making progress toward your God-given destiny. He can’t stop you if you choose to speak what God says in His Word over your life instead of careless, negative words.

The Word of God is an offensive weapon: “And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). The enemy wants you to be careless about your thoughts–so that the words may eventually fly out of your mouth. The two are connected; wrong thoughts produce wrong words. The Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21).

Choose to live by faith in God and stay in agreement with His plan for your life. According to Hebrews 11, the words any of us speak today actually frame the world we step into tomorrow! Words are containers of faith. Don’t be foolish to think that Satan doesn’t know this principle works for you or against you–the good and bad.

Your words have the power to change the world around you. Never underestimate your influence and potential through your words and prayer. (See Mark 11:23)

This is why it is imperative that you think and pray before you speak careless words over yourself and others–and about a situation. It is also important not to rehearse and mindlessly articulate the negative circumstances you encounter in this life. Don’t be deceived into thinking your words do not matter. Choose life!

Speak right words–what God says about you and others. Take time to read Psalm 139 and ask God to heal your heart and tongue. Remember, hurting people hurt others. Don’t be used by the enemy to destroy someone else. 

Out of the heart flows the issues of life. (See Proverbs 4:23). Guard your heart and what you see and hear. If you feel as if you’ve been fighting a losing battle in some area, it is time to expose the lies from the enemy. If you are experiencing toxic emotions, or negative thoughts, choose to pray God’s Word over your life. What you say about yourself matters as well!

It is very possible you are believing a lie from the pit of hell. God has a great plan for your life and God is good! (Jeremiah 29:11)

Whether we realize it or not, we have the power to intentionally or unintentionally destroy others. We also have the power to bless! Choose to be a blessing and change the world with God!


Written by Deborah. Posted in Anxiety, Depression, Uncategorized, Worry



When you woke up this morning, did you feel excited to be alive, feel worried over a disagreement with your husband, wife, or someone that is important to you that you did not resolve before going to sleep last night? Did you feel a cloud of despair or a sense of impending doom that something was not quite right? Did you wake up feeling a little depressed and feeling like you were not healthy in your body? Did you wake up knowing that no matter what comes, God is there with you and loves you deeply?

Every person wakes up at some time in life and feels a mixture of life from the day before. Unresolved issues create stress and a heart that is uneasy. Living with any form of abuse does the same. Living with uncertainty in changing times also has a tendency to create stress—moving to a new city and state, change of position, to being concerned about all the new adjustments to make in life with that new road you will be traveling due to unforeseen circumstances and the change of plans.

What we each must remember is that we must stay connected at the heart level with God, first and foremost, and choose to believe God and His Word!  What word you might ask? 

One word from God has the power to change your entire life. Keep moving forward loving God and loving people. Choose to see the best in others and connect with people—don’t stand at a distance. When you choose to connect with God and others at the heart level, everything changes. Don’t allow anything or anyone to keep you from experiencing the heart of God! While technology is an awesome tool, it can also be a distraction to keep people from focusing on what really matters in life—people! 

No matter what you are facing—be it a change of career, another move again, or what seems to be something that tears at your heart; always remember—the most important part of life change is a change of heart. We have all felt the sting of failure in some area, followed by frustration and guilt—that is unless the heart is hardened and the conscience is totally seared. If you are reading this, chances are good you are not at that point. Be encouraged! Don’t allow the enemy to make you feel overwhelmed and condemned. Shake off the feelings and connect with a person who connects you to the heart of God. Reach out and be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone else—step out to encourage someone else. In doing so, you will find encouragement from God Himself. 

Be reminded that the Son of God prayed for His disciples and all those who would believe in Him. Jesus said, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony. My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father—that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me” (John 17:20-21)

The pattern of Jesus’ prayer provides an outline for us today as well. He prayed for Himself, for those close to Him, and for those beyond His immediate sphere of influence who would be affected by the ministry of His friends. Yes, He called them friends. That is absolutely amazing that the God of the Universe calls us friends. That has to touch your heart as well! 

When Jesus prayed for all who would believe through the apostles’ testimony, He was also praying for every future believer. Realizing that Jesus was praying for you brings great comfort during times of discouragement and confidence as you work with God in advancing His Kingdom. Jesus had YOU in mind when He prepared for the Cross!




GOD HEALS/Do you need healing in some area?

Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized

If you need healing in some area of your life, don’t miss this!

JEHOVAH ROPHE (Jehovah Heals)

Don’t be afraid to pray for others in need of healing—including yourself. You may be experiencing health issues to soul issues (mind and emotions)—but GOD is still your healer! It may be your children or your marriage—to a relationship that needs a touch from God.

You may feel like throwing a pity party—to being fed up with life! Don’t give up in the waiting! The Word of God says, “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” (Jeremiah 8:22)

There is an old song I remember that says, “There is a balm in Gilead that heals the sin-sick soul; there is a balm in Gilead that makes the wounded whole.” The word GILEAD means praise.

Have you ever walked into a worship service or a church service and felt kind of down? Soon after choosing to enter into worship and praising the Lord, it seems like all of a sudden, you felt better? When you begin to praise the LORD, you bring JEHOVAH ROPHE—the LORD WHO HEALS—on the scene. GOD is the great “I AM”—He is whatever you need in every situation—when you turn to Him in prayer and praise.

It is very important that you see the revelation of JEHOVAH’S names in context. Exodus 15 gives the context of how the name JEHOVAH ROPHE was revealed.

When God spoke to Moses “….I AM THAT I AM:” (Exodus 3:14). He was saying that whatever you need GOD is exactly that —throughout the life of Moses, God met the needs of Moses through various ways!

God continued to give revelation of His various names and how HE provides to Moses throughout his life. God will also continue to give YOU revelation throughout your life as well. Stay with the Word of God and don’t ever let it become stale to you. Just when you feel like giving up, that is when it seems everything changes! Don’t give up in the waiting…

I believe that every revelation we receive from God becomes sweeter as the days go by—and more precious than the last one. Choose to trust Him with whatever you are facing!

The name JEHOVAH ROPHE actually means “Jehovah heals,” and it arises from one of the earliest situations in the wilderness. God brought Moses through the Red Sea—led them by a cloud—in Exodus 1:22, and you see the cloud that had led them for three days, during this time, there had been no water to be found.

When any of us enter into tough situations, we sometimes have a tendency to think we are out of God’s Will—and sometimes well meaning Christians say and think the same. However, you may be “smack dab in the middle of God’s Will” without even realizing it. The devil does his best to slap us around and tries to send his “knock out” punches to stop us or make us quit.

If you measure whether you are in God’s Will or not by your circumstances, you will surely miss it.

In the Book of Acts, Paul was in a shipwreck and was in the middle of God’s Will. He was supposed to go to Rome and the devil was fighting it. Don’t allow your circumstances to push you around; instead, you push circumstances around.

Why do you think God led the Israelites to a place where no water was to be found? Because God wanted them to know that He would provide for them in every way. No matter what you may be facing right now, God will provide for you and bring you out smelling like a beautiful mountainside with fresh flowers all around—they may look a little wild—but they are arrayed in the splendor of God’s hand painted colors. God will bring you out—if you let Him!

Did the Israelites know God as JEHOVAH JIREH? They had to have known about HIM, because JEHOVAH JIREH was revealed during Abraham’s time. Can you imagine not having a grocery bill or electric bill for 40 years? Or what about this—not having to buy shoes for 40 years because they didn’t wear out! That is some outrageous provision!

These amazing stories of God have been repeated down through the generations. Moses knew GOD as JEHOVAH JIREH, but the Israelites panicked because of their head knowledge—they relied on their senses. Can you imagine hearing your children crying out for water in a place that is barren? That would be tough.

When the children of Israel arrived at MARAH, which by the way means “bitter,” they found a huge pool of water; but it was bitter tasting and not good to drink. You probably know what happened next—the people began to complain and murmur against Moses! It wasn’t Moses’ fault—can you imagine how Moses must have felt? It is amazing that Moses didn’t get fed up with those people and didn’t tell them he was flat tired of their ways! Moses trusted God and didn’t give up on people.

Look was Moses did instead: “He cried unto the LORD; and the LORD showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD they God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I AM the LORD that healeth thee” (Exodus 15: 25,26).

Moses threw the tree in the water. Actions must accompany faith! You must walk out the faith you talk about! When Moses threw the tree in, the water that was bitter became sweetened, and Jehovah revealed Himself to His people in a new way. He said, I am JEHOVAH ROPHE,” which means, “the LORD, your health.

It is really far better to have good health than healing. God desires that we walk in divine health. Step out in faith and renew your mind in the Word of God to increase your faith. Don’t accept the lies the enemy sends from the pit of hell. Begin to pray the Word of God and memorize Scriptures that pertain to your present need!

YOU HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST! The life of THE WORD OF GOD will enter your body and produce health and healing. The WORD OF GOD will quicken your cells because GOD’S WORD is like medicine. When you choose to take His Word—you are taking in health.

You simply have to learn how to receive! You must continually feed upon the Word of God—for they are life, health, and healing!

No matter what you may be facing, GOD has healing for you. He has healing from sin, physical ailments, backsliding, heart wounds, rejection, marriage problems—everything.

As a child of the Most High King, you have been given the Word of God! God never changes! He is the same today as He was when He parted the Red Sea and when the children of Israel knew God as the LORD, “our health.”

“For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD;…” (Jeremiah 3:17) 

Dr Rick Ross, Lead Pastor

“For the last seven plus years we have been blessed to watch Deborah live out the principles in God’s Priceless Treasure. This book will bring supernatural courage to everyone facing a challenge. The battle sometimes seems overwhelming, but the Mighty Warrior has gone before you.....

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Joyce F

"Deborah imparted the tools, skills and understanding I needed to grow in the spirit. In this day's devotional, God also spoke to me of the hard lessons we all need to learn when "He" or your "Mentor" (such as Deborah) in my case, speaks into our life that we must choose to grow...

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Dr. Neal Speight

"...As a result of obedience in the midst of her desert experiences, I believe God has filled Deborah with wisdom that we would all do well to take to heart. Do you ever ask yourself why you seem to end up in the same situation over and over again? Why you fear the future, or are frustrated with relationships?...."

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