Enduring to the end is not a way to be saved but rather the evidence that a person is truly committed to Jesus Christ. Persistence is not a way to salvation; it is the by-product of a truly devoted life. Jesus said that God was aware of everything that happens, even to sparrows, and you are far more valuable to him than they are. You are so extremely valuable that God sent His Only Son to die for you (John 3:16). Because our loving heavenly Father God places such high value on you, you need never fear personal threats or difficult trials. If you are walking through a difficult season, it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love you. Satan doesn’t roll out the red carpet for anyone taking his territory. Nothing can shake God’s love or dislodge His Holy Spirit from within you.
This doesn’t mean God will take away all your troubles. The real test of value is how something holds up under pressure, wear, tear, and abuse of everyday life. Those who stand up for Jesus Christ in spite of their troubles have lasting value and will receive great rewards. Despite the struggles and trials you may be facing, remember that you are highly valuable to God and that He is making you more like Christ (Romans 8:29).
It’s in the Bible, “If anyone acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before My Father in heaven. But if anyone denies Me here on earth, I will deny that person before My Father in heaven.
Clinging to this life may cause us to forfeit the best from Christ in this world and the one to come. The more we love this life’s rewards (power, leisure, financial security, popularity), the more we discover how empty they really are. The best way to enjoy life is to loosen any greedy grasp on earthly rewards and promotions, so that we can be free to follow Christ. In a world where good is sometimes labeled evil, we can expect that similar accusations may come, but we will be vindicated by God Himself. (The Pharisees called Jesus “Satan” (see Matthew 9:34).
Take time to spend reading and studying the Word of God–this will prepare you for things to come. Scripture makes it clear, that we are to be prepared ( 2 Timothy 4:2; 1 Peter 3:15). Jesus is teaching us not to be unprepared but to be unworried about what we will say. Jesus told the disciples that when arrested for preaching the gospel, they should not worry about what to say in their defense–God’s Spirit would speak through them. This promise was fulfilled in Acts 4:8-14. Be prepared by developing an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit through renewing your mind in the Word of God. This way–when life doesn’t go as planned, the Word of God rises up and empowers us to stand!
I had a precious lady tell me, “The Scriptures you gave me to pray made all the difference between life and death and changed my life.” You see, the power of praying the Word of God is how Jesus defeated Satan after he fasted for forty days in the desert and was tempted by Satan.
It is not a sin to be tempted. Sin is when a person acts on the temptation or has bought the lie from the pit of hell and believes it–which puts the person in agreement with the enemy. It is vital to find out what God says about you in His Word and to replace the negative speaking and thinking with God’s Word. There is power in your words.
Every person needs to know they are valued and who they are in Christ after salvation. Most people have heard someone in authority speak death over them at some point in life. It may have been a teacher, a parent, a neighbor, or some other figure that left an impact on your life. Choose today to believe what God says about you and resist the enemy and he will flee.
It is very possible you or someone you love is believing a lie from Satan. Many people grow old and live with tremendous amounts of regret. Choose to live out of your identity in Christ as a believer and embrace total forgiveness. People who are forgiven forgive much and love much. Let your heart be light with the realization that God loves you unconditionally and His mercies are new for you each morning. You will be more effective in all you do with God in advancing His Kingdom.
Choose to live free and forgiven without hauling any designer baggage around–fully knowing your are loved by God and He has an awesome plan for your life. There is no circumstance, no power, no person, no demon from hell, no strategy from the enemy, nothing in existence that can separate you from the extravagant–totally awesome love of God.
Your past is the only thing that can separate you from your awareness of the love of God. Remember, only Satan and the people he uses will remind you of your past. If you are born-again, you are forgiven. Don’t allow your past to become your present identity. Jesus didn’t pay the price for your redemption, only to bring it back up again to destroy you. Let go of the past. If you’ve experienced severe trauma or tragedy, and are having a hard time, find a biblical counselor or minister that can help you walk through the pain to purpose.
Begin to renew your mind and PRAY THE WORD OF GOD with your own mouth–yes say it so you can hear it. Pray what God says about you and watch your life change drastically—for the good. Our first thought when we wake up each day should be: “His mercies are new for me every morning!” (Lamentations 3:23).
Start praying the Word of God over your life and every single time a negative thought tries to rise up. Allow God’s precious promises to saturate your heart and soul till they become part of the very fabric of your being. You are a new creature in Christ when you are forgiven. Start right now–pray God’s Word over your life.
If you don’t know how to pray the Word of God, purchase an awesome tool: Prayers That Avail Much (25th Edition) and begin to align yourself with the Word of God. Listen to the Bible and read it every chance you get. Surround yourself with other believers and read inspiring Christian books that the Lord leads you to read. His timing is perfect and He loves you with an everlasting love!
Get the hell out! Did I get your attention? It will be your fault if you don’t stand up and take notice. We have to get the enemy out and slam the doors shut! In case you haven’t noticed, Satan is wreaking havoc across America and the nations because he knows his time is short. My new book… THE MIDNIGHT HOUR: WILL AMERICA TURN BACK TO GOD? —just released and is available on-line.
The following chapter is from my next book that is coming out soon.
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. –1 John 4:3
The spirit of antichrist is against Christ, all believers, and against all righteousness. This spirit attacks the very foundation of Christianity, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, and is why we can see the attacks in the government and churches in America—and across the nations.
The spirit of antichrist infiltrated the mind of the man that took nine lives maliciously in Charleston, South Carolina. The man sat with the people in a Bible study and was almost persuaded not to do it—because he heard the Word of God. He chose to listen to the enemy and fulfilled what he came to do—steal, kill, and destroy. He believed a lie from the enemy and acted on it.
The news and media were filled with information about what happened, right down to the sell of the gun where the FBI’s system of checks and balances failed. They made a simple mistake that took out nine lives—and left a city devastated with a trail of loss and grief. The people and churches rallied around and came together for the cause. People came out and encouraged each other.
People make mistakes, do things without properly thinking, and it can happen to anyone. I have a friend who received a phone call several months ago advising her she was under arrest by the FBI. They had the right name—wrong person. How do these kinds of mistakes happen?
When you place an order with a server in a restaurant, you request a sandwich with no onions, and the sandwich is placed in front of you with lots of onions, what went wrong? Was it the server that took down the order or the cook in the kitchen who didn’t take time to read the ticket? Was it the server who grabbed the wrong sandwich and delivered it to a different table? What went wrong?
It reminds me of the old movie many watch at Christmas where Clarence has to get his wings—It’s A Wonderful Life. The pharmacist was so upset over the loss of his son that he puts poison in the bottle that would take out a life, but the young lad notices and gets his ear slapped for even speaking up to tell him. It leaves him deaf in one ear for the rest of his life. It’s a wonderful life—or have you noticed? James Stewart stood up to tell the pharmacist of his error that was going to kill the person that was to receive the prescription. Like the young lad in the movie, we must stand up and do our part.
Have we bought the lie from the pit of hell and been poisoned by the antichrist already? The government has made laws that go against God’s Word and the foundational principles on which America was founded. People are being beheaded and wrongly accused, falsely imprisoned, and all sorts of hell have broken loose across this once great nation. What went wrong?
Maybe I should ask Donald Trump. He wouldn’t mind answering. Many sit back and don’t do a thing—hoping life will change for the better. I admire anyone who stands up for a cause. It is about time people stood up and stepped out of denial.
God will use anyone who cannot be bought off to stand up and speak the truth for Him. He used King Cyrus in the Bible. He used Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. He is looking for people to stand up and speak the truth about what is really happening across the globe in the lives of people that matter to God—and they should to us. It is time to loose the fear of man! Live for God and tune in to what He is saying!
Remember what I said earlier about doing our part? This nation has bought a lie from the pit of hell! It reminds me of the Titanic that sank at sea. No one believed the iceberg could bring about destruction. Was it because it was labeled “the unsinkable?” I sink not—I think not.
Life has changed, as we have known it in America—and across the globe. We must be prepared and armed with God’s Word. We can see the spirit of antichrist has risen up and is rising up against all righteousness and believers.
God is looking for people to stand up and announce the truth that His Son is coming back again and we better stand up and take notice. Before the Trumpet of God sounds, and Jesus returns, what will you do? We are called to occupy till He comes—doing business with God and promoting good in the community, advancing His Kingdom, while waiting and watching for His return.
We are called by God to pray for leadership—and pray we must!
Bills are being passed in government with so much text that no one could possibly read and understand it in a short amount of time. It is called pushing an agenda—the agenda to destroy the Body of Christ and righteousness—from Jews to Gentiles. We must move from religion to relationship with God through Jesus Christ His son.
We must pray and bind the enemy. We bind the spirit of deception and injustice and the spirit of antichrist. We loose the spirit of Truth and Justice from Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
If Satan cannot deceive you, he cannot defeat you. The need to guard against deception on every level is of utmost importance in the life of every person.
We ask You, Lord, to frustrate all evil plots and all ungodly counsel across the nations. We pray and ask You, Lord, to turn the heart of the king to you. (That means all leadership!) It is only in turning to God that we find wisdom and hope for America.