God’s Priceless Treasure

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Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized

1238114_666321953379057_686951799_nThe news of Hurricane Patricia headed toward southwestern Mexico Friday as a monster Category 5 storm—the strongest ever in the Western Hemisphere that forecasters said could make a “potentially catastrophic landfall” later in the day were signs that the earth is groaning. It seems like a repeat of what happened off the coast of South Carolina and North Carolina the weekend of October 2nd and 3rd.

The Bible says:

For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.  (Romans 8:19-22)

The name Patricia is Latin in origin, and means “noble; patrician.” The Romans once were divided socially and politically into two major classes, the plebeians and the patricians. To be patrician meant one was highly ranked, an aristocrat. The name became popular when it was used for one of Queen Victoria’s granddaughters.

Storms have a way of bringing people to the awareness of what really matters in life—people and eternity. As I was researching the meaning of the name chosen for this storm, I found something very interesting. People with this name seem to have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.

America is divided and we have a “Trojan Horse” within. What you don’t know in life can harm you. You can be trusting people in positions who are not doing their jobs ethically and morally. Not only can a nation or a group of people be divided, the heart can also be divided. Anyone can be drawn away from God. When we don’t guard our borders, we invite the enemy within. We must choose to guard our hearts as well.

People experience painful relationships and hurts and can oftentimes buy into the lies of Satan about what is right and wrong.

Satan comes to sow division and discord among God’s people because he knows his time is short and he is evil. Jesus came that we might have life!

God Himself has the greatest love for all mankind. He sent His Son Jesus to redeem all. If you don’t receive the gift of salvation, it will be your own fault.

The earth is groaning for the return of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18). We all have difficulties and trials that we are going through, especially if we are Christians. Satan hates Jesus and His followers. We must keep in mind that we are in the last days and things are going to be more difficult as the Word of God says. While many are trying to find God in the midst of life’s challenges, He may be closer than you think.

In the Bible, Romans 8:19 reveals that all of creation cries out and waits for the return of Jesus Christ. What can we do? We can cry out to God for conviction and repentance for all the lost and for all humanity as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. We must cry out for God to cleanse our hearts from all filth and seek God with all our hearts.

We find in Isaiah 24:5-6 why the world cries out for the return of Jesus as “the earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant…” and “the world is crying out in labor pains for the return of Jesus” to make all things right. Jesus said in Luke 19:40, “I tell you,” He replied, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out” and for Jesus to come to them.

We are called to be living stones—and cry out for Jesus! (1 Peter 2:5) Until He comes, the function of the living stones is to “declare the praises of Him” who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2:7-9).

Names are important –if you will also reflect on what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah for a moment you will see for yourself. In Genesis 19:4-5 we can understand better when we pay attention to the word “know.” The word “know” is the same word in Genesis 4:1 where Adam “knew” Eve, and she conceived. In the context, Genesis 19:5 clearly reveals that “know” refers to sexual relations. The Sodomites were homosexual rapists as referred to in the Bible.

It became necessary for the angels to act and they pulled Lot into the house and shut the door. The Sodomites had given themselves over to sexual abandon of one kind or another. God’s purpose in destroying Sodom and Gomorrah is a lesson for us all today.

The pre-Flood world was destroyed for the same reason, so this kind of conduct was not new. (See Genesis 6:5, 11) Now we live in a nation who has changed laws to go against God’s Word. In Ephesians 6, the word “powers” is representative of evil in government. What more do we need to recognize the times?

We must pray for God to frustrate ALL EVIL PLOTS and UNGODLY COUNSEL. We bind the spirit of deception and injustice, and loose the Spirit of Truth and Justice from Heaven—in the name of Jesus—the Name above ALL names. It is time we rise up and bring the Kingdom of God to earth! The Christian life is difficult, but is also the most rewarding way of life.

Jesus said society would be similar to Sodom and Gomorrah before His return. The Apostle Paul wrote: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness…Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened…For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet” (Romans 1:18, 21, 26-27).

How long will God wait before He acts again? God desires that none should perish. He is longsuffering and has been sending messages to all to turn to Him. Turning to God in repentance will change your life forever. One day soon, the door will also be shut. Time as we know it will be over. What will you do?

We were recently at a wedding during the storm Joaquin and the flooding. After the rehearsal and dinner the night before the wedding the church was flooded—but the wedding still went on the next day. We must each be flooded with the Word of God and be ready for His return. Our foundation must be in Jesus Christ—the Living Word of God. Nothing else will stand!

The day of the wedding, we all headed to the reception. The storm ceased. What was quite interesting to me was a natural manifestation of things to come. We arrived with the wedding party and had the kids of my best friend in Texas, the Mother of the Groom, and my mom with me. The door had been shut for people to enter at the entrance for quests, so we entered in behind the Bride and Groom.

Just as the door was shut for anyone else to enter, we must keep in mind that the door will be shut for all eternity when Jesus calls us home. It is not enough to be onlookers or simply guests; we must be saved, stay close to Jesus and become part of the family of God.

When we go home to be with Jesus, the storms in our lives will cease forever as well. Like the disciples, we must stay in the boat with Jesus during the storms in this life.

We must stay close to Jesus (The Bridegroom—so that when time is over and He calls us home, we will be swept over the threshold for all eternity to be with Him). What a revelation from God of where we are in these last days! Make sure you are ready.

Christianity offers the best hope in a world that is passing away! He is coming back for His Bride—His Church.

“The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the LORD at their head.”(Micah 2:13)

After a wedding in the natural, it is customary for the Groom to pick up His bride and carry her over the threshold of their new home. As we stay close to Jesus, we will be swept over with Him. Jesus is the soon coming Bridegroom for His Bride—the Body of Christ (the Church).

God is calling us to share our faith and take as many with us—we must have childlike hearts and stay close to Jesus, watching for His return! Look up—our redemption draws near (see Luke 21:24-28).

GOD, have mercy on America and the nations!


Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized


Do not be drawn away from God.

I remember a time in high school when I worked second shift at a hosiery mill to save money for my first car. I had it all picked out—it was a beautiful convertible car in buttercup with a black top. I had called the owner of the car dealership to advise I was on my way. Someone else came before I arrived and bought the car I thought I wanted. Needless to say, I bought a different car but a few weeks later the owner (who was also a good friend of our family) called to share that the car I had intended on buying caught on fire and burned up. God had saved me from something I could not see or know.

This was a spiritual lesson I learned at a young age before college. It has helped me know and understand that God goes to extreme measures to save us from harm. The Bible says:

Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:13-15).

This Scripture says we are tempted when we are drawn away. Drawn away from what? God! Anyone can be drawn away from God. As believers in Christ Jesus, our inner man wants to do the will of God. Our hearts desire to please Him and to do what is right inside. The battle that sometimes rages within is a warning from God to make the right choice. We have freedom to make choices, but not consequences.

We all have to contend with the temptations of the flesh. As long as we live in this world, there will be a battle that rages between the spirit and the flesh. The word that is most often associated with flesh is the term “lust.” When you hear or see that word, most think of sex or immorality. The Greek meaning is “strong desire.” Simply put, the lust of the flesh is the strong desire to follow after the ways of the world, rather than after God.

Lust for money, power, and control can draw you away from God. Lust for having everything your way will also draw you away from God. Lust for being a people pleaser and not a God pleaser will destroy you. The green-eyed monster of envy and jealousy can raise its ugly head when you lust for things and use people to get them, and when you choose to hurt people on purpose.

Lust for anything that goes against the Word of God will eventually destroy you. The car I thought I wanted was not a sin—it was just that God knew it wasn’t best for me at the time.

It is acceptable to God to have desires to obtain an excellent career and education, while it is also acceptable to have a desire for success, but not at the risk of destroying others. These “wants” are acceptable and permissible as long as they line up with God’s Word and are kept in perspective. We must choose to be watchful on purpose so that none of these things draw us away from God.

As believers in Christ Jesus, we are already citizens of the kingdom of heaven and we can walk and function in this world without being subjected to it (John 17:16). God calls us to be a living sacrifice in this world—a person who is not conformed to this world, but we are to present our bodies a living, holy sacrifice, and being transformed by the renewing of our minds to the will of God.

The manifestation of God’s power is directed related to purity and holiness in the Body of Christ—His Church. God does not manifest Himself to those who are disobedient and have sin in their lives. The Holy Spirit works in us to bring us to the light of God’s Word and His ways, while Satan works without to keep us in bondage to the world and people.

But we are tempted when we are drawn away and trapped by our own evil desires. (James 1:14 GNTA)

Anything you gain through manipulation, deception, and control will ultimately end in disaster. Whatever or whomever you try to destroy to protect self will ultimately end in eternal disaster unless there is true repentance. You can read the account of Judas in the Bible and find out how deception and betrayal brings destruction. A story with a better ending is the account of Joseph who had brothers who sought to destroy him.

We must defeat the enemy’s schemes and choose to walk in the life of the Spirit of God, being led by Him and by His Word—if we are to be vessels of honor and power.

Don’t get into agreement with Satan or the people he is using. Stay connected to God. God does not lie. The circumstances on this earth do not bother God. He is not bound by circumstances and He is not limited to them either. God knows how to turn anything around for you. It doesn’t matter how awful things may seem, nor does it matter who has come against you. You are in the world with a Savior—His name is Jesus! Stay in God’s Word and remind the enemy that He has messed with the wrong person—a person connected to Jesus! You have the power connection with the power above ALL power, and choose to maintain a divine awareness of that connection!

You will find the most wonderful relationship with Jesus that is beyond anything you can dare think or imagine that will change your life! Dare to believe Him today and draw close to Him! Choose to walk the straight and narrow way with God—even if it feels like you are sometimes alone!



Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized

9781498441667_lg (1)While some bridges are out in the natural due to all the recent flooding in North and South Carolina, there is ONE BRIDGE that will never go out—His name is Jesus. He is the bridge between all of mankind and God—for all who will call upon His name and receive the gift of eternal life.

With the catastrophic flooding that happened the weekend of October 2 and 3rd, people were scurrying to buy groceries in the midst of the storm. People who had prepared for a storm were glad they didn’t have to go out in the awful weather.

Since we had to stay longer than planned in Myrtle Beach for a wedding, we also had to buy extra groceries. As I saw the panic on faces of people in Wal-Mart, I saw another warning of the flood of lies that people have bought in America. One of the employees at Wal-Mart was standing at the door and I began to talk with her while waiting. She told me she wanted to go see her sister but was afraid—and asked me this question, “Where do we turn?”

God is sending warnings for the Church to be ready—the Bride of Christ.

As a nation of people, we have only one need: to turn inwardly to God and let Him cleanse and purify us by the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so that we may be cleansed from all the impurities that Satan has mixed into us.

The night before the wedding there was a river flowing in front of the place for the rehearsal dinner due to the flooding from Hurricane Joaquin (Hebrew meaning: “raised up by Yahweh.”). Me, Mother, and the kids walked across the road that was like a river that came halfway up our legs as we walked to the front door. We came in and talked to the owner of the Bed and Breakfast House as we tried to dry off; and the place was full. We were then seated close to the Groom who sat at the Head of the table (representative of Jesus who is coming back for His Bride).

Our Lord is referred to as The Bridegroom who comes for His bride at Midnight. (See Matthew 25:6).

With catastrophic flooding and signs of the times, it is foolish to be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those who believe. Even though this was a wedding in the natural—right in the midst of a storm—we can rest assured that Jesus is coming back for His Bride in the midst of the storms that are raging in the world! (Matthew 25:6).

Could it be the Lord is revealing the flood of lies that people have bought across America? Could it be that God is revealing the only real life is in the River of God? Could it be that God is revealing what is most important in life?

I also found it very interesting that many of the roads were also closed going into Kiawah Island except River Road and a portion of Main Road. Some roads have now reopened but the way to Kiawah Island is on Main Road to River Road currently, which is a natural manifestation that we must choose to step into the River of God—by turning to Him.

The Andell Inn, nestled in Kiawah Island, is one of the best-kept secrets in South Carolina and provides a warm and inviting experience for all its guests. Due to the flooding, several weddings in the Charleston area were cancelled so they tried to find other venues. Some were held in homes, and one was held at the Andell Inn. The name Andell means “messenger of God” and I find it very interesting that they made room for the wedding at the charming, boutique hotel.

Miles and miles of interstates surrounding North and South Carolina were also closed due to flooding and many lost their homes while some lost their lives.

Sometimes living for the Lord is a real battle and a real fight. The enemy can’t drown you with his lies if you resist him with the Word of God. The Bible is God’s standard—a banner or flag we can wave in front of the enemy and he will leave. He can’t take the Word (James 4:7).

When Satan tempts you to be discouraged or in any other area, what do you do? Ask God for a Scriptural answer. That’s what Jesus did and He is the Master Teacher and no one knows better than Him. He quoted Scripture to the enemy—and he fled.

When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him (Isaiah 59: 19). Choose to bury the enemy in a flood of the Truth and put him out of action. Turn to God. The Word of God works. Baptize yourself constantly in praying Scriptures, soak yourself in the Word of God, memorize and quote God’s Promises!

Take time to watch the movies WAR ROOM, GOD’S NOT DEAD, and DO YOU BELIEVE? Choose to spend time face-to-face with family rather than communicating only through text and email. Pay attention to what really matters in life—people and eternity. You have never locked eyes with anyone that is not valuable to God. We are called to be “messengers for God” to others. Take time to share your faith and hope in the midst of the storms. 

The Andell Inn made room for the wedding and God has made room for you through Jesus Christ—the Bridge for all mankind to God!

Deborah Starczewski

Dr Rick Ross, Lead Pastor

“For the last seven plus years we have been blessed to watch Deborah live out the principles in God’s Priceless Treasure. This book will bring supernatural courage to everyone facing a challenge. The battle sometimes seems overwhelming, but the Mighty Warrior has gone before you.....

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Joyce F

"Deborah imparted the tools, skills and understanding I needed to grow in the spirit. In this day's devotional, God also spoke to me of the hard lessons we all need to learn when "He" or your "Mentor" (such as Deborah) in my case, speaks into our life that we must choose to grow...

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Dr. Neal Speight

"...As a result of obedience in the midst of her desert experiences, I believe God has filled Deborah with wisdom that we would all do well to take to heart. Do you ever ask yourself why you seem to end up in the same situation over and over again? Why you fear the future, or are frustrated with relationships?...."

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