TWITTER..wisdom..from the bluebird to the Courts in Heaven…
TWITTER…wisdom…from the bluebird on Twitter to the Courts of Heaven…better get praying!
“Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.” (Ecclesiastes 10:20 KJV).
That is a very interesting verse in the Bible. God’s Word is true and every question is answered in the Bible…the basic instructions before leaving earth. Several weeks ago, I was thinking about the bird in the air, and thought, “Wow, God in His infinite wisdom gave us the revelation for today about TWITTER…the little blue bird…that carries our words everywhere on social media.”
Coffman’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes 10:20 says:
This is a warning against any kind of seditious talk against a monarch and against even the entertainment of any uncomplimentary thoughts regarding such a ruler; because, the nature of human gossips being what it is, the account of your words will be relayed to the ruler, “In a manner as rapid and as marvelously as if birds or winged messengers had carried the information to the king.”
No matter if it is a “tweet” on Twitter or the Holy Spirit reveals something to us as one of His servants, the bible makes it clear that the Holy Spirit reveals all hidden truth and shows us things to come. (see John 16:13…take time to read John chapters 14-16).
If there ever was a time we need to pray as a nation, it is now. Instead of attacking and maligning, we must be praying as God tells us in His Word. Why would anyone in their right mind try to destroy someone? They are deceived by the enemy.
There is a destructive element in griping and complaining all the time about the government, or anything else for that matter. While we do need the facts, we learn to operate in truth. Truth is God’s Word and His ways. Truth is doing the right thing at all times. Truth is being the same person in private as in public. Truth takes a stand with God.
A heart problem will eventually show up if it is not fixed, repaired, or replaced. A heart problem eventually shows up in actions as well. The Bible tells us that whatever is in the heart will come out of the mouth. Listen to your words and check yourself. Don’t check your neighbor. Check your own heart. We each have to stand before God as individuals.
Jesus taught us by His own example. He showed what true leadership is….action not a position. Jesus, the Son of God, taught us that we lead by serving.
When Jesus wrapped the towel around him and began to wash the feet of his own disciples, he was teaching a principle for all time. Even though we are clean on the inside as born-again believers, we must daily cleanse our walk through spending time in God’s presence where we are empowered to live a spirit-filled life in a world of hurting people. Where we are not so distracted by technology that we can hear God at the slightest whisper at the door of our hearts. Where we are empowered to live with eternity in mind at all times.
Check your own heart….always stay humble and kind. We must constantly focus on loving and leading as Jesus Christ does….and renew our minds so our words line up with God’s Word. When we remember that how we treat people is how we are treating Jesus Christ, we have a wakeup call.
Pray for the President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump and all those in authority. We are called to pray for leaders across the land. If you live in another nation and are reading this, pray for your leaders. Pray for each other. Stand in the gap through prayer. Be kind. The secret to love is kindness.
“First of all, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2…A CALL TO PRAYER)
#PrayForThoseInAuthority #POTUS #DONALDJTRUMP #PresidentTrump
#Purpose #Destiny #VictoriousLiving #Leadership #DonaldJTrumpPresident
#TheMidnightHourWillAmericaTurnBackToGod #GodsPricelessTreasure
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)…. learn to move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, trials and tragedy to triumphant living.
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)….the full account of God raising my husband from death, healing him from two open-heart surgeries, two open-heart surgeries, and the walk at Mercy for 25 days. This book will keep you turning the pages….
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)… a must read for every leader and family.
Books available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other distributors.
Happy Easter! Jesus is alive. He wants to raise you up to represent Him. You may be having the time of your life today…or you may be sad, lonely, and wondering why you don’t have a husband or wife. You may feel like your heart is broken over the loss of a friend or family member.
When the heart is broken, shattered in pieces, and it feels like no one knows or cares….God is with you. When the bad medical report comes, God is with you. When the call comes that your executive position has been eliminated, God is for you. When we have to wait, God is at work behind the scenes…working on our behalf.
Most people don’t like to wait at all. We waited at Mercy Hospital for 25 days when God raised my husband from death, healed him from two strokes and healed him through two-open heart surgeries. That was intense waiting. BUT GOD brought life where there was death, healing where there was sickness, and Jesus is alive today. He is seated at the right hand of the Father praying for us that our faith will not fail.
Other times of waiting are for our benefit as well. God does the most amazing things when we pray and wait on Him. We eventually learn that all our help comes from the Lord.
Several months ago, a friend’s car was leaking oil so she took the car to the dealership. The representative informed her the engine would have to be torn apart to find the problem. She drove a loaner car for several months through all the waiting. As a matter of fact, she also rear-ended a driver in stop and go traffic while driving the loaner car and had to get another rental car at that point. She was very frustrated and when she learned that the manufacturer was not going to replace her car engine, she was highly upset and almost panicked. It had been nearly six months.
We prayed that God would intervene. She was aggravated because she couldn’t find all of her receipts for the oil changes and the dealership didn’t seem to have a record for two of them. Without the receipts, it appeared she might not have had the oil changed as required…but she knew she had done so. We simply asked God to intervene.
The next day she heard on the news that her particular make and model of car was being recalled for engine failure. I explained to her that the long time of waiting was so the truth could come out about her particular vehicle and the recall.
God never ceases to amaze me. She called the manager at the dealership, emailed him the article, and got the call the next day that she would get a new engine at no cost to her. Times of waiting are for our benefit. It doesn’t matter how large your prayer request is, or how severe the attack you may be walking through—Jesus is alive and He answers prayer.
I recently wrote a blog: THE POWER OF PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING, and the very day I shared it I got to experience exactly what I wrote at 3 AM earlier that morning. On the drive into Charlotte, my cell phone fell out of the cupholder onto the floor on the passenger’s side of my car. Not sure how it fell out…I thought maybe an angel knocked it out onto the floor to get my attention.
I thought I needed my phone but knew that I would have to pull off at the next exit to pick it up…or so I thought. The LORD had different plans. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart to pray in the Spirit and to keep driving. We have direct connect with God at all times…even without a cell phone in hand. That is great news my friends!
I prayed for several miles when I noticed that right in the middle lane of I-77 (during rush hour traffic) cars started slamming on brakes everywhere but no one actually wrecked into the large truck and trailer that was stalled in the center lane with lights flashing. It was amazing to me that no one wrecked. Cars were all over the place going in wrong directions…stopped…but with no accidents. That was a miracle. It was as if an angel of the Lord was standing in the highway and rerouted and blocked cars from hitting each other. It was totally amazing.
The power of prayer changes everything. God goes to extreme measures to get our attention. He wants us to pray and use the gifts we have been given to impact nations. His love is amazing. His ways are past finding out. He uses us as vessels to bring His Will to pass here on earth. Nothing is too small or too big to pray about.
We must choose to heed the warnings to pray immediately. No matter if you feel your heart is ripped out due to abandonment, betrayal, a bad medical report, divorce, emotional baggage, or fear…God wants to help you. You may have been adopted and still feel the pain from rejection. You are accepted in Christ and He is wants to heal you. He is our healer.
Don’t you dare believe the lies of the enemy—God has the final say! You can triumph over tragedy by turning to God and obeying His Word. God wants to turn the drama to destiny, your pain to purpose, your mess to a message, and your heartache to reaching back for others who are hurting. He wants you to step into divine purpose and to pursue Him with your whole heart.
Thank God all our help comes from the Lord. Keep praying and keep on believing. God is at work on your behalf. Trust Him in times of waiting. If He will do it to encourage my friend over a car, just think about how much more He cares about matters of the heart. God will change the entire order of an ordinary day for one person. He wants us to focus on Him, do what He tells us to do in excellence, and be a servant leader….one who is more concerned about people than power, prestige, position, or things; one that is focused on “how well” rather than “how much”…. Dare to believe God and know this…..all our help comes from the Lord. He was crucified on the Cross. He rose. He ascended into Heaven and He is coming back again!
Have a blessed Easter Sunday…..He is RISEN!
“Father, I thank you that my life, my children, my business and all that pertains to me is covered by the Blood of the Lamb-Jesus. No weapon that is formed against me will prosper. There is a blood line that the enemy can’t cross over. When we make a mistake, His blood still cries out for mercy. They may have crucified Jesus’ body—but the power is in the blood! He is risen and reigns Lord over all. Jesus defeated Satan and took away the keys to death and hell. I choose life in Jesus!”
Jesus loves you with an everlasting love.
His love and mine,
Deborah Starczewski
“My help comes from the LORD, the Creator of heaven and earth!” (Psalm 121:2 NET).
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose) …move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, a mess to a message, a trial to triumph.
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)…the miraculous account of God raising my husband from death, healing from two strokes, two open-heart surgeries.
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)..A must read!
SHIFT HAPPENS….sold at events
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other distributors
You don’t want to miss this conference! It will change your life forever. Come together and see what the LORD has done and is still doing. God wants to turn your pain into purpose, your drama to destiny, your test into a testimony, your tragedy into triumph….and your mess into a message. When you turn to Jesus Christ, you are no longer a victim—you are a victor!
Step out! Get your ticket. Tell your friends and connect for a life changing day! Come out and form new lifelong relationships!
We Are One Week Away For The
“She Triumphed” Conference & Empowerment Event. We have a few seats available so Grab your ticket at your link.
Thank You In Advance
Jesus is alive. He wants to raise you up to represent Him in divine purpose. He loves you with an everlasting love.
HIS love and mine,
GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)….move from drama to destiny, pain to purpose, a mess to a message, tragedy to triumph by turning to Jesus Christ.
A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)…the full account of God raising my husband from death, healing him from two strokes, two open-heart surgeries, and 25 days at Mercy. You won’t be able to put the book down!
THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will American Turn Back To God?)….. a must read for every leader, and family, and CEO.
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other distributors…