MARRIAGE EXPLOSIONS: Learn How To Deactivate Bombs
Learning how to deactivate the bombs from the enemy that are sent from hell to destroy your marriage, family, and entire lives is found in knowing how to activate the Word of God in your life and by choosing to be the bigger person. Take the time today to be armed against enemy assaults before they come. You may already be in the middle of what feels like a war, or you may know someone.
God’s Priceless Treasure is filled with real life stories with names changed to protect identities, but that will empower you to stand for your marriage, your family, and with your friends in faith!
Learn how to fight the enemy and not your spouse. Real wars are won in the heavenly realm by learning how to fight by using the Word of God. Take a stand today.
God’s Price Treasure (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed and Know Your Purpose) is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
May the LORD richly bless your marriage and teach you to move from surviving to thriving. Take the time today by building confidence in your spouse. Find something he or she has done right—and begin to brag about it to them. Tell them what a great decision they’ve made in some area and build confidence in them again.
Another very helpful tip to disarm the enemy is this: the next time your spouse says something, rather than blowing a fuse and wondering what they meant, begin to say this instead: “When you said such and such, this is how it made me feel. I want to make sure I heard what you said and if I heard it correctly.”
The enemy of your soul wants you to feel all alone in your marriage, or he will move you to questioning and reasoning and beginning to doubt. He tries to set us all up to fail. Instead of failing, learn to fight the good fight of faith and pray.
Many times people hear things wrong and jump to conclusions that can set off an explosion in the home. Rather than being used by the enemy to help Satan destroy your home, turn to the Lord and learn how to fight using the Word of God.
God’s Word works when you pray it!
HIS love and mine,
Deborah Starczewski
Anger and Emotions