God’s Priceless Treasure

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Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized


We have victory in Jesus Christ. God calls us to “possess the gates” or double-doors of a city or nation. Did you know that the Persians diverted the flow of the Euphrates into a swamp, lowering the water level in ancient times? The Bible is up-to-date and relevant to our time. 

Look at the notes from American Journal of Biblical Theology 2009: 

The two leaved gates refer to the bronze gates of Babylon.  The defeat of Babylon by Cyrus is recorded in Daniel, chapter 5.  Cyrus lead the Meads and Persians against the city in 539 B.C. only to find its king Belshazzar distracted by a feast.  The Persians diverted the flow of the Euphrates into a swamp, lowering the water level enough to march their army under the river gates to the city gates, only to find them open. (American Journal of Biblical Theology 2009) 

The gates of the city were signified as “double-doors” where public trade, and administration of justice took place. The gates were especially subject to attack (Ezekiel 21:15, 22).  God calls us to “possess the gates” (Genesis 22:17, 24:60). 

God spoke to Isaiah and, by declaring their sins forgiven, revealed that He is faithful to His covenant even when His people have forgotten it (see Isaiah 44:21-22). (Pray for America to turn back to God in genuine repentance.)

God spoke to Isaiah and revealed His sovereignty in a spectacular and amazing way by not only having Isaiah prophesy the return of His people from exile, but by naming Cyrus as the king he would use (see Isaiah 44:24-28). 

And look at this—God spoke to Cyrus (through Isaiah) more than 100 years before Cyrus was born, which reveals His sovereign control over all things and all people, and how He can use unbelievers to accomplish His plan (See Isaiah 45:2-7). God can use anyone who is available. 

God spoke to Isaiah and revealed His absolute sovereignty over all things, and how there is a fundamental difference between the Creator and what He has created (see Isaiah 45:8-13).

God spoke to Isaiah and, by showing the repentance of foreign nations, revealed that salvation is for the Gentiles as well as Israel, and that all salvation is through the one true God (see Isaiah 45:14). God doesn’t want anyone to perish. 

“Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by name, am the God of Israel” —Isaiah 45:1-3

Take time to pray Isaiah 45 aloud today. God is at work behind the scenes. The Holy Spirit is revealing all hidden truth and showing us things to come (John 16:13). Pray from the place of victory—we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and seated in heavenly places with Him. Sing with joy!

Worship and sing!

Deborah Starczewski




Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized

img_3733This morning I was praying a specific prayer for a dear friend on the phone and asked the Lord to send angels to assist in the situation. It wasn’t even five minutes till Melanie called me and said, “Look what I saw outside the window just now.” She took a picture of what appeared to be an angel in the clouds. I told her what I had just prayed for someone else. 

God never ceases to amaze me. I live in awe of His presence and how He goes to extreme measures to make Himself known. 

I asked Melanie to make a ministry picture for us to use with this blog. You can see for yourself. God confirms His Word when we pray. God hears and answers our prayers. Just because we have angelic protection does not mean we won’t face trials and tribulation. We must choose to live a life of prayer.

When you learn that angels hearken to the voice of the Word of God, your faith will rise to a new level, and you will know and understand the power you have in praying the Scriptures. (See Psalm 103:20, Isaiah 55:11, Isaiah 54:17, Isaiah 49:25, Psalm 129:4)

God cares about the intimate details in our lives. He cares about America and all mankind in every nation. Our church had a special time of corporate prayer and repentance last night for America. Believers are praying corporately across the nation. Churches and ministries are holding prayer meetings across the nation. God hears and answers prayer. He wants His people to be encouraged and to trust Him. 

America is at a crossroads between a wide road that leads to destruction, and a narrow road that leads to eternal life and blessing. We must choose to honor God and His Word, not just at church, but seven days a week. 

Be encouraged and know that God loves you and cares about every detail in your life. Thank God for the gift of prayer—communion with our Heavenly Father. 





A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat) … a modern day resurrection story

GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose) …move from drama to destiny. 

THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)

All available on-line on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.



Written by Deborah. Posted in and Leaders, Elections and leaders, Family, FEAR, God's Word, Kings, Media, Presidents, Rebellion, Seek God, Uncategorized

img_3713Have you ever seen such corruption in the media? I have better news today! God is not dead and His actions are not dictated by man’s opinion. There is hope for America in turning back to God. As long as you have breath in your lungs, there is time to repent. 

As believers, we must report the Good News of the Gospel. We have to attack problems—and not people. With Christians bashing people, both publicly and in print, something is seriously wrong in the hearts of believers. We must turn back to God in repentance. All have fallen short of the glory of God. 

The devil is rampant at bringing about division and distractions to keep people from paying attention to the big picture. You have to step back and look at what the Lord is revealing and what is happening–if you want to make a difference. 

I will never forget what the Lord spoke to my heart in 2008 prior to hosting a leadership conference for pastors in India. I woke up early one morning and heard the Lord speaking to me …that after President Bush goes out and the new president comes in….then the end will come. 

We have seen the “end of America” as we have known it. America has changed laws to go against God’s Word and corruption, deception, and greed are widespread. Manipulation is rampant. Government is out of control. And even more important, the next elected president will nominate the justices to the Supreme Court. We are at a crossroads—with one wide road that leads to destruction–and one narrow road that raises the standard of God’s Word. 

Anything you have to manipulate to gain, you will have to manipulate to keep. We must take back territory that the Church has relinquished. We can’t blame the world—it is lack of prayer and repentance, and refusing to take territory. Satan is very subtle—it is the small foxes that destroy the vine. (See Song of Solomon 2:15)

Moses identified seven territories that the Israelites were to dispossess in order to inherit their promised land: the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizittes, the Hivites and the Jebusites. 

What does that mean for us today? Just as Israel of Joshua’s day had to conquer territory, we have areas in our day that need to be brought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

The Great Commission instructs us to make disciples of all nations, not just converts. People must be discipled to know and understand the Truth of God’s plan for their lives. Otherwise, the enemy lurks around like a roaring lion—seeking all he may devour. He creates strife and division—and we now see the results of a Trojan Horse (Excerpt from THE MIDNIGHT HOUR: Will America Turn Back To God?) published 2015. 

Change is not just for an individual, but for entire nations—with societal change and transformation. The nation whose God is the Lord is blessed. 

There are seven territories we must bring under the Lordship of Jesus Christ: Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Celebration & Arts, and Family. 

Let’s start with media and government since the election is November 8th. 

The territory of Media corresponds to the land of the Hittites (comes from a word meaning “terror and fear,” representing bad news).

Politicians, big business, and different interest groups have figured out that whoever controls the media has a form of control over what happens in society. Negative stories get more air time than any good report, or uplifting story. The Kingdom of God has less air time than any other form of media. It’s time we take back this territory and report the good news of the gospel and up-to-date accounts of God’s intervention. 

The enemy wants to silence Christians. If Christians would promote and support one another—rather than attacking and bashing, we would see change. What we make happen for others, God makes happen for us. 

We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. (See Revelation 12:11) We overcome through the blood of Jesus Christ—just as the blood of the lamb was sprinkled on the doorposts of the houses when Herod issued the order to kill all firstborn males; we have a type and shadow of the Blood of Jesus Christ for today. (See Matthew chapter 2)

We have protection, purging (cleansing), and provision in Jesus—through His finished work on the Cross at Calvary. 

In order to take back any territory, it simply cannot be ignored. God is exposing all hidden truth, frustrating all evil plots and ungodly counsel. Satan is trying to destroy the world—because he knows his time is short. Since Satan can’t create anything, he tries to thwart purpose. When a person or nation understands purpose, everything changes. 

We must seek God’s face for ways to take back the media for God. There are ways to report the facts with a redemptive angle. In counseling, the facts have to be acknowledged to move forward to healing, but to keep repeating the negative is not redemptive. It brings destruction. We are born in sin—but we have salvation through turning to Jesus in repentance. 

God’s will is for us to fill the airwaves with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Whatever happens in the White House will impact your house. The territory of Government has been abandoned by believers. Many Christians say that politics is of the devil—but that is not true. God is the One who established authority in the first place. I believe God is raising up servant leaders who are Christians to fill roles in the government. We need humility and service, not pride and manipulation (which is of the devil). Unfortunately, some of the world system has infiltrated the Church. 

The territory of Government corresponds to the land of the Girgashites (“dwelling in clay soil” which represents the earthly desires and corrupt ambitions that are common to this territory). 

Romans 13 makes it clear about servant leaders in government. The body of Christ needs to be the source of leaders who understand that true leadership, based on God’s standard, is first and foremost service. Isaiah 9:7 gives us clear understanding that “of the increase of Jesus’ government there will be no end.” 

With godly government in place, their mission will be to fill leadership roles with humble servant leaders of integrity, not those who seek unlawful gain through pride and deceit. 

The enemy tries to overtake every area here on earth. He wants to fill the airways with destruction and government with leaders who are filled with pride who care more about false gain and power than the people they are appointed to serve.

Anyone who is used by God will shake up government, and in my terms, throw out the sandbox and all the sand within. This will expose all corruption and deceit at an unprecedented level. We are headed to the same direction as some other countries are in right now. We are losing our country to corruption and an overpowering system that is influenced demonically through greed, corruption, murdering babies, allowing illegal aliens to come in without proper papers and examination, to selling America out for financial gain. 

God’s actions are not dictated by man’s opinion. He is not caught off-guard by anything happening in your life personally, and in this nation. He is at work behind the scenes, exposing the enemy at every turn. The Bible says that God will heal our land if we repent. 

Success won’t matter where there is no safety. God have mercy on America. The transforming truth of God’s Word is our only hope. No political party or candidate can be viewed as our security apart from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Real repentance produces the necessary heart change in people, which will result in a national desire to protect life—because life is precious. God will not change His Word for anyone. The full counsel of God’s Word must be our standard. It is imperative that we pray for blind eyes to be opened, and for us to have God’s power and protection in order to miss our enemies’ plan for us as a nation. The choice is ours. Choose life and God’s standard or choose the way that seems right to mankind—the fruit of which is death. 

If there is any hope for the next generation, we must turn to God in genuine repentance, and vote by God’s standard—biblical moral values. You have to make a decision for Christ—to be born-again. Not voting is making a choice through default. Make a choice. Blessing or Curse—which will you choose? I choose life. 



THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?)

A LEAP OF FAITH (25 Days At The Mercy Seat)

GOD’S PRICELESS TREASURE (How To Overcome Challenges, Be Transformed And Know Your Purpose)

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.  

Dr Rick Ross, Lead Pastor

“For the last seven plus years we have been blessed to watch Deborah live out the principles in God’s Priceless Treasure. This book will bring supernatural courage to everyone facing a challenge. The battle sometimes seems overwhelming, but the Mighty Warrior has gone before you.....

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Joyce F

"Deborah imparted the tools, skills and understanding I needed to grow in the spirit. In this day's devotional, God also spoke to me of the hard lessons we all need to learn when "He" or your "Mentor" (such as Deborah) in my case, speaks into our life that we must choose to grow...

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Dr. Neal Speight

"...As a result of obedience in the midst of her desert experiences, I believe God has filled Deborah with wisdom that we would all do well to take to heart. Do you ever ask yourself why you seem to end up in the same situation over and over again? Why you fear the future, or are frustrated with relationships?...."

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