We are seeing acts of terror on American soil and evil across the land. Satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy. It was too late for the Titanic because the warnings were ignored. America is being warned to stand up and turn back to God.
With the deep needs prevalent across America and the nations, we have the opportunity to go deeper in prayer and share the love of Christ. You and I have the opportunity to be the change we want to see in the world. The Church (the Body of Christ—all believers) must take her rightful place and be a place of prayer if we want to see this nation turn back to God.
When leadership compromises biblical values, principles and morals, there is always confusion. With the war of words across the media, and a state of confusion across America, you can see a trend—and it is ruining the nation. It is evident that leadership has compromised because there is confusion in almost every area. However, we live in the greatest time yet—a time of darkness, where the light of God shines brightest. We have some of the greatest opportunities to point people back to God.
Unless there is a change for good, our kids and grandkids will grow up in a nation that is full of chaos and no foundation in God with the attack on religious freedom. Unless you build your house on the solid foundation of God, it will fail. When a married couple builds their home on a foundation of God, even when the storms in life come, they will stand strong through the adversity.
God calls each of us to leave a legacy of knowing Him and making Him known. We are to teach our children about God, tell them about what He has done in our lives, discipline and instruct them so they will know God for themselves, and ultimately, grow up to do the same. (See Deuteronomy chapter 6)
I have got Good News…..we need more than a leader on our road to freedom. We need a Savior, His name is Jesus—and He keeps on saving. He is inviting us to seek His face. We seek God’s face by turning from our sin and turning toward Him.
The real solution for America is spiritual not political. We need a solemn assembly, a gathering of unified believers leading to a much needed revival—before it is too late.
We need a revival of true relationship with Jesus Christ—not religion. The prescription for healing for America is a biblical approach of returning to God. We are at the midnight hour—and must turn to God as a nation that will shatter the idols in this land that have destroyed families, marriage, and hijacked our worship. May God shake the church back to the foundation of prayer and fasting, and awaken our hearts again.
After September 11th, everyone gathered for prayer. Churches were filled—for about three weeks—and life appeared to return to normal. However, it didn’t.
If we want our lives to function as God our Creator intended, we must stop neglecting the spiritual and integrate with the social at every level. God will not negotiate His standards for anyone. He desires that we place ourselves under the authority of His Word. God doesn’t want us to conform to what the rest of the world is doing. However, the church is accommodating to the culture.
God’s church must return to prayer where we experience His power that brings change—not performance, people-pleasing, and striving for position.
The present society and world systems have redefined morality, commitment, marriage, and priorities. Manipulation and mixture have crept into the church and God is warning His people to turn back to Him in prayer and fasting.
Right in the middle of 2 Chronicles 7:14, “Then,” God says, “I will hear from heaven.” This means we must turn to Him and fulfill His conditions and come on His terms, not our own. Then, God will hear us—and not until then.
How can we change anything in America? The way we change it is by having new people in government, public education, and in the media—who are going to represent Jesus Christ and His standards. It is time that believers stand up because the political realm is a legitimate sphere of influence for those who are called.
God wants people who love Him, who will commit themselves to Him personally, in their marriage and family, and then step out to advance His kingdom by penetrating the culture for Him.
Nehemiah is a biblical example of such a person. Now, are you going to sit back any longer and watch our culture fall apart? The promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is an awesome promise, but will take the kind of prayer that takes priority in our schedules. We must choose to reclaim lives, marriage, families, and this nation for God.
Take time to read the Book of Nehemiah. If the church is going to help restore this nation, we must put God first. Church congregations must come together in a solemn assembly (see Joel 1:14) to repent and seek God’s face in prayer.
While repentance and faith are requirements for salvation, obedience is the fruit. Will you be obedient to pray and seek God’s face on behalf of your marriage, family, and nation?
The spiritual foundation of America is crumbling fast—political action won’t stop the erosion—and money won’t stop it either.
God is willing to forgive and heal our land if we will humble ourselves and pray and seek His face. When we do this, God can turn the course of America around. Will you pray?
Take time to read my latest book: THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Will America Turn Back To God?). It is a must read for every pastor, leader, and individual who wants to see our foundation in God restored.
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