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Struggles, Attacks, Terrorism, Anxiety, Necessary OR Needless Individual Conflict

Written by Deborah. Posted in Uncategorized

88888-817-FromSpace-Four-LB-BGSTRUGGLES, ATTACKS, TERRORISM, ANXIETY, NECESSARY OR NEEDLESS INDIVIDUAL CONFLICT…doesn’t sound good to me, does it you? Learn how to rise above and put your trust in God. Choose to dance through the storm–and hack the enemy off.

While real life can seem a bit chaotic in this present world in which we live, Satanic attacks are very real. With the chaos and “Trojan Horse” war of words, manipulation, media explosions, and attacks across this nation, let us be reminded that we serve a risen Savior!

If you want to see change in your life through the waiting, try praying the Word of God specifically over yourself and whatever you are facing in life.

Many are waiting on someone to repent, someone or an organization to do the right thing, someone to meet that is Mr. or Ms. Right, some are waiting on a new position at work, some are waiting through sickness and disease, some are waiting till the funeral services are over, while others are waiting and enjoying life to the fullest. There are many reasons why we wait in life. 

Life has seasons—and the anointing on your life attracts satanic attacks. Satan hates Jesus, righteousness, and any forward movement that takes territory from him. 

While butterflies have to struggle before they can emerge from the cocoon; the struggle is necessary for the butterfly to emerge well and healthy. The restricting cocoon and the struggle for the butterfly are both God’s design to have the butterfly emerge with the ability to fly and come to full destiny through metamorphosis. 

On another note, satanic struggles and attacks are another thing entirely. In life, we must be humble, patient, bearing with one another in love—making every effort to keep the unity of the spirit and peace. You might be asking, “How do I do that with what I am dealing with in life?”

What does the Word of God reveal about what to do and how in real life struggles and attacks?

Paul reminds us that our own struggle is not against flesh and blood “but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

He urges us to come dressed for battle, to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand in the day of evil (Ephesians 6:12-13). In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in that day. 

As we stand, we are also to remember, that, despite appearances or even how we “feel”, when the battle rages and is at its worst, the LORD of Hosts is still with us, “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

God has at His disposal the entire created universe with which to accomplish His purposes. No matter how sophisticated the weaponry in the history of the world—it is nothing next to God. Let’s remind ourselves WHO we are IN CHRIST and WHOSE we are today.

We ask God to equip us for the spiritual battles that will surely come and we praise God for His plan of salvation. 

Be reminded of Isaiah telling the story of how a single angel slew 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. Jesus, the night he was arrested, assured His disciples that he had more than six legions of angels (72,000) as his beck and call!

There is nothing too hard for God. With such amazing and crystal clear evidence, there is no need to fear anything. The same Jesus who cast out devils, walked on water, multiplied bread for thousands, raised the dead, and calmed a storm, can and will surely come to deliver us from the hands of the enemy.

Jesus became the Savior of the world, and laid down His life for all—-through perfect submission to His Father’s will, laying down his life in a display of perfect faith, lowliness, and love.

One of His names is Yahweh Tsebaoth, THE LORD OF HOSTS. Consider a few stories in Scripture to remind you of God’s faithfulness and how He has the entire world at His disposal:

The Red Sea parting (Exodus 14:15-31)

The earth swallowing up the guilty (Numbers 16:28-35)

Locusts swarming over Egypt (Exodus 10:12-15)

Thunder routing an enemy (1 Samuel 7:10-12)

Fire consuming God’s enemies but preserving His friends (Daniel 3:19-30)

The sun locked in its place until a battle is won (Joshua 10:12-14)

Daniel in the den of lions with their mouths shut and cozying up to the prophet (Daniel 6:16-23).

We thank God “For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon His shoulders….His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace, for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this” (Isaiah 9:6-7 NRSV).

Offer thanks to God, as a believer, that you belong to the LORD of Hosts. Confess any complacency about your faith and ask Him to strengthen you in your weakness. Magnify the LORD GOD. Elevate HIM over all! 

Choose to dance through the storm—it will hack the devil off. Submit to God, resist the devil, and He will flee. You are unstoppable with God! Obey His instructions and enjoy the journey of obedience—no matter what attack you attract. Laugh out loud and say, “It’s only you —Satan” …and keep moving forward in faith—focused on Jesus. 

Pray and read this daily—remind yourself of how big God is and that He owns the entire world and all of creation! He owns it all! 




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Dr Rick Ross, Lead Pastor

“For the last seven plus years we have been blessed to watch Deborah live out the principles in God’s Priceless Treasure. This book will bring supernatural courage to everyone facing a challenge. The battle sometimes seems overwhelming, but the Mighty Warrior has gone before you.....

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Joyce F

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